
David Cap
One year journaling challenge
2 min readApr 14, 2019

3 things that you are grateful for:

- For my eyes

- For this room

- For this pumpkin seeds that I’m eating

1 thing that you can do better:

- Have more perspective

9 rules for life by Robin Sharma:

1) Leaders lead thyself:

-manage yourself (mindset, heart set, health set, soul set)

-when you complain you give away your power to be the change you want to see.

-be a leader not a victim

2) Be the humblest person in every room you’re in:

-humility is gold

-often use of the word ‘I’ is a sign of insecurity

-go deep within and ask better questions

3) Be original

-it takes time

-think long term, be an artist with your craft

-be a creator not a copier

-mastery and developing your own voice takes time (around 7–10 years) think about creation not competition

4) Be yourself everyone else is taken

-things that makes you great : hard work , kindness, serving, humility, working on your craft, playing the long game, understand that genius takes decades

5) Daily consistent actions around what you value (mundanity)

-consistent small improvements over a long period of time lead to stunning results

6) Walk the earth gently

- Integrity and character

- life can change in a day

- kindness

- real power comes from inner understanding

-treat yourself, others and the nature well

7) Be radically helpful

- How can I serve the most?

-find a cause bigger than yourself

-is not cash is connection, is not income is impact

8) Get great at your work

-seek for excellence at your craft, be a pro

9) Have fun

Now start doing:), at least one of them (PS: all this notes and writing is me talking with myself)

