
David Cap
One year journaling challenge
2 min readFeb 17, 2019


Be excited about your life and what I can be. Nobody tell us this, that you experience only once this miracle called life. Forget gratefulness better ask yourself: How in the world I’m here now? And after that: What are my next moves in the context that I’m in that will make this experience even better?

If you really get excited about anything that happened to you, obviously you will have an exciting life. Being aware that it could not be nothing at all and that every day of this life is a miracle. What you encounter is not necessarily bad or good, but rather what you make out of it and how are goanna use it. I know I talking big words now, because I don’t know how I will respond if I find out that one family member died or that I got terminal cancer.

So what matters at the end of your life after you faced the deaths of many peoples that you loved and now your own death? I hope you don’t see death as a relief, is true that life is suffering but is also joy, this two come together. Is always easy to give up than to create something that you will put a smile on your face when looking back. Life is how you take it and what you make out of it. So how are you goanna use this opportunity?

So what matters? Having perspective, appreciation, love, kindness and working for what you need and want etc.

Growing up I realized one thing, that nobody really knows what is everything about, and I see it more clearly which each day.


Life and time are precious, realize that before is too late.

If you can learn you can adapt

No bad memory, just untrained

Wherever life plants you, bloom with grace

Stop being bitter and start being better

Life appreciation should come by default

You don’t appreciate what you have because you are not aware of the worse alternative.

Persistence and consistency are omnipotent

A diamond is a chunk of coal that did well under pressure.

The way you handle difficulties tell you much about you.

This will pass too, nothing is really garneted and everything is temporary

Relativity is just common sense

More humility

Daily checklist:

Daily Song: Louis Armstrong — What A Wonderful World


Currently reading: Enlightenment Now by Steven Pinker

Daily Lesson: My problem: I consume too much, but process and use too little

Daily Draw: random face sketch

