
David Cap
One year journaling challenge
5 min readSep 18, 2019


3 things that you are grateful for:

- For so much accessibility to timeless wisdom (books)

- For skin and nails

- For clothes

1 thing that you can do better:

- Hearing myself talking more often (catch my ignorance)


Be your own kind of beautiful

Every breath is a blessing

It’s nice to pause and take some time in all this running and playing the game to just look around and be grateful for what is

I think maybe one reason why I didn’t read so much was because of my ego and fear of finding out how vast my ignorance is.

Is confortable to know you know but is dangerous (except the laws of physics everything is up for debate)

If you want to learn you need to be a full first and have the humility to say you don’t know and really look for answers


A nation is born stoic and dies epicurean

Stoicism — forgo present pleasure for something better (develop thick skin), sacrificing the now to get something better in the future

Epicureanism — get the pleasure that the moment present to you, live now because tomorrow you will die (Yolo, live for pleasure)

There is true to both the answer is somewhere in the middle

Remember the every action has an opposite and equal reaction

Technology and this confortable society make us weaker more sensitive and with ludicrous complains

Toughen up boy

Adversity makes man and prosperity makes monsters — Viktor Hugo

We are too soft these days

You should want life to hard, hard is what make it great

Spartan life (lifelong solider)

Yolo (you only live once) is for suckers

Do something hard everyday

Be stoic, be brave and get tougher every day

Your life should be enough to tech others (lead by example)

Today is a good day to die

You find what being alive means when you face death

Be tough (the top dog, see the book)

A cold shower is not only something physical but something psychological (rewiring) -> two for one

The reward for doing the hard things is large

On your body: Use it or lose it (toughen up)

You need a little stress, tension and stretching (mind and body)

Be a hard person (you don’t want a soft person by your side)

Love the scars

Life will throw tremendous shit on you so you need to be prepare (thick skin)

When you break a bone you should say that is life right there (or stupidity but you get the point -> be tough)

There is level of competition to life

What is owning you weakling

Pushing through some adversity releases more dopamine (makes you happier)

Work and do more

With the age some get weaker and some get tougher

Next time when you don’t want to do something just do it (just to mess with your brain, burn out the fat in your brain)

If you don’t feel the burn you probably don’t lift enough weight to regrow your muscles

You need to brake yourself open

Don’t be the bitch of your brain

There is no greater mastery than mastery over oneself

Go to a farm

You should be excited about failing (scars) -> get the lesson

Face your fears

Life fortune the braves

Mess with your wishes

Train yourself to be tougher

When you push through the toughness you feel better about yourself

Depression comes when you feel like a victim (helpless)

You are never helpless not with this brain and your ability to learn

Technology always starts as a slave and slowly you become it’s (you become the bitch of your mind, the slave becomes the master)

Daily stoic:



Day review:

Up by 5:40


Read on social intelligence and daily stoic

Write gratitude list + some notes

Out for movement (there is some work going on in the park)

Cold shower

Breakfast + music

Get ready for work

Out by 7:30

Call mom

Office by 7:40


Read some documentation on a new project

Call on some topic

Some more emails

Stand up team + students

Out ticket + bus

Dentist by 11:10

Back office by 12:00


Some tests on recent components

A meeting for knowledge sharing

Out by 17:30

Some sketches for a new drawing idea

Some movement


Dinner + music and art

work on my pixiv account

The 10th step (my favorite till now -> be tough, stoic life)

Some more music an art

This review

And some stretching and sleep

