How much you like yourself? Maybe the first and the most important question that you need to ask yourself. Your confidence is measure in how much you like yourself. Self-esteem is by definition how much you like and value yourself. In order to perform at your best, being useful for yourself and others you need your confidence and self-esteem levels high. And in order to do that you need to love yourself and believe that you can handle anything that comes, that you have amazing coping skills like Marisa Peer say.
There is something that I keep observing every day and that is the fact that if you don’t take the initiative to change a situation no one will. No matter how nasty and uncomfortable your situation may be, there is always a way to make it better or worse, is up to you. You can create a piece of heaven from a nasty situation or from a great one the most unforgettable memory in a bad way.
I saw this on my last week-end journey with the bus. I was getting a seat on the back of the bus. Behind me was a dizzy and not very well smelling person. With not very much fresh air and keeping my things on the legs I was trying to read something but with no use my head started to hurt. The not very pleasant people from behind ask me to change places in order for him to get down to the next station. I agree and I shifted on one of the last seats from the back. Right before the bus had to go a very and I mean very beautiful girl with her mother get on board. The best part was that the only seats available were those from the back. The only obstacle between me in the current position and me starting a conversation with that beautiful human being was maybe her mother and my fears of looking funny or desperate. Fortunately because the mom didn’t cope well with the atmosphere form the back of the bus it had to go and find a seat behind the driver. When that happened I change the first words with the girl finding each other name. But between us was still to seats because her mother let some heavy bag down besides the last seat and the girl need to make sure it will not fall.
Now I had at least two choices: one keeping the distance and from time to time giving some awkward looks to her or trying to start a conversation and get closer. One fortune event was another lady getting on board and I was getting more close to her. The conversation started with some question about her of curse. At first I thought it is a student but when I find out that is still in high-school, I was even more surprise because it seems a little more mature than that. Anyway we started by finding more about each other, going from hobbies to phycology, books, things about the mind and emotion. I was right about her being mature and with such a beautiful person and discussion my one hour on the bus just flew. It was such a pleasant time besides a lovely person, with not just physical beauty but also a beautiful mind. All my body was excited about her, I couldn’t get enough of her smile, eyes and words, and because of that I also felt some embarrassment. The only small regret let say is that I didn’t ask for a way to keep touch. But because of her young age it felt inappropriate to make another step. In other way I’m don’t regret it. I’m grateful for that amazing time that we had, for the value that I was able to offer, for the connection we made, for all the beautiful emotions and chemical reactions that happened inside me in that hour.
All my good assumptions may just be the cause of the liking bias, because i know I am a visual creature but regarding the variety of topics that we discuss I don’t think so. It was a perfect afternoon of Sunday.
What I learn is that your initiative and attitude can change everything. When you do what you love time flies, because you enjoy each second and try to keep it. If you are attracted and interested in something real connection can be made. Courage expands your world, your experiences and emotional dimensions. Confidence is made through action. Good people are priceless. When you are yourself in the most honest and awkward way it might turn out pretty good. The most profound joy comes when you give value to the other person with no expectation. Making the other person feel good about itself and it will also fall on you. Life is giving.
Don’t assume nothing and if you do than assume the best
Love is a state of being
Sorry for all the pain my ignorance made
Connection implies understanding, profound attention and engagement
Life is a set of experiments
Important stuff: Curiosity, Honesty, Love, Kindness and Humility
Blueprint for life: Nothing is guaranteed => you will value more your moments and what you have, making every moment count
Real Confidence = Connection with Reality + Action + Praise — Judgment
Daily checklist:
Daily Song: Speak Softer Love Louder — Jessica Frech
Currently reading: Enlightenment Now by Steven Pinker
Daily Lesson: Nothing is guaranteed
Daily Draw: Marisa Peer sketch