
David Cap
One year journaling challenge
2 min readMay 20, 2019

3 things that you are grateful for:

- For the ability to draw

- For my inner critic

- For my mom

1 thing that you can do better:

- Gratitude


What I relearn today: your start doesn’t say nothing about how you finish

When you stop dwelling you get speed

The purpose of life is pretty obvious; living. The time while you are conscious and breathing is precious. But more important is how you choose to spend this invaluable and limited resource. Hopefully you will live in a way that is not harmful for yourself and others, and instead maybe leave something beautiful behind.

One life, make the most with what you have

If you what to change something start with yourself

In order to know what you have to do, define what do you what to become and keep updating along the way, while are you getting more info.

Evil and creating suffering is easier than the alternative. Is this true? I think acting based on impulse is easier than self-control and properly choosing your response. Of course thinking is more exhausting than sensing. And intuition is faster and less consuming than rational consideration that requires more willpower.

The idea of soul beats the logic, I prefer being and nonbeing. The idea of soul implies that you existed before you were born in some unconscious state of being, and that you become conscious only after you took your physical shape. So when you die your soul gets back in the state that was before you were born. I guess you see what I’m meaning, that the soul is a nonbeing state in which you are not aware of your existence. Only as an observation, you become self-conscious only after your brain develops a little bit.

Nothing is good or bad without an observer that has a set of incomplete values and beliefs (also some in contradiction). And of course is that way, i mean not objectively true, because our senses and perception give us information only between certain boundaries. So our points of views give us just some parts and sides of reality, like the blind peoples with the elephant.

So before judging other peoples be aware that another point of view literally means another position from which the reality is seen.

