
David Cap
One year journaling challenge
2 min readMay 21, 2019

3 things that you are grateful for:

- For rain and my umbrella

- For magnesium

- For the order and chaos from a daily basics

1 thing that you can do better:

- Presence


First comes joy than growth. Growth comes easier when you are on a good mental and physical shape.

RESPONSIBILITY = the ability to response (boomJ). Your decision to respond or not to what happens to you.

If you are alive now this is literally your time. Life is free but living is not, you need to work for it.

When you suffer you use wrong these two faculties: your vivid memories and your imagination.

Time is running out for all of as. How conscious have you become of the energy you waste?

All the human experience comes from you, so you have the capability to choose what kind of experience you want to have. So choose a pleasant one.

Belonging doesn’t take anything, involvement takes you. Believing is a sense of belonging and comfort, is like sleeping.

Not knowing is a fact. Not knowing implies awareness at all time. Everyone is a seeker. Using a set of beliefs to seek is like you tie the boat and then row.

The source of human experience is in you, joy or misery. Everything comes from within. The way you experience life is entirely up to you.

Take charge of the instruments that were given to you (mind and body), take proper care of them and use them properly.

Life is openness and death is closeness. So open up to the existence.

Why are you mess yourself? Because you have time.

Don’t race to death. When you are miserable every cell in your body gets the message that you want to die. Don’t send wrong or contradictory messages to your body.

the talk:

