
David Cap
One year journaling challenge
2 min readJan 23, 2019


There is so much raw power and energy in here (inside of you) you have no idea. The keys for taping into that inner force are cold, movement and the growth mindset. A short cold shower in the morning followed by some powerful movements (haka dance or any move that boost your confidence) with an offence attitude towards the day changes everything. Of course there will be cynicism around these statements, but that’s normal because you want to be part of the top 1% you need to act and do what the 1% does. People natural tendency is to back off when little discomfort arises and also of course we are lazy. It easy to criticizes than to take action an test and see for yourself.

There is no shortcut, easy road and magic pill to greatness only a less magical process, full with ups and downs, learning and getting better. Peoples likes to think that the ones who have success in a certain domain are gifted, because it validates their fantasies and justify their current state of mediocrity, also this belief empowers them to do nothing. This path to greatness and growth is not for everyone, it’s just for those that are will to pay the price that this path demands. It is normal to be hard, hard is what makes it great, if were easy everyone will do it. No matter what you want in life if you really want to achieve that thing, you need to crave it so badly like your next breath. You need to be 100% ‘hell yes’ or otherwise ‘hell no’.


My status: ”Work in progress”

Clarity is more important than hope

Good books are priceless

Respect the process of growing, loses and failures are part of it

Daily checklist:

Daily Song: Runnin’ — Adam Lambert


Currently reading: Mastery by Robert Greene

Currently listening: The Laws of Human Nature: Robert Greene

Daily Lesson: you can hack your state of being with cold (Wim Hof is right)

Daily Draw: Doutzen Kroes profile sketch

