
David Cap
One year journaling challenge
3 min readFeb 23, 2019


I’m so grateful for this life, for these lungs and my beating heart. Just think about this heart. What is it doing? The heart gives life to the whole system by providing oxygen and other nutrients to all the tissues and organs and this with a lot of effort. It’s keeping the blood stream fresh by recirculating it. This is so amazing: everything begins and ends in the heart. Now that I’m thinking about this, it’s not just giving everything is also receiving everything. So by following the example of the heart, love is effort, giving and taking in everything. Love is and creates life. Love is maintain fresh and new by continual effort. Love is giving and by giving itself it gets everything. Love is openness and caring. It processes everything ‘good’ or ‘bad’ (oxygenated and deoxygenated blood).

So life need contrast, and if you look at the Yin — Yang symbol more exactly on the boundary between the two opposites (the concept of living on the Dao) you see something like the “S” shape. What is this shape suggesting? Ok, I tell you is a kiss or two hands holding each other, also if you spin the shape you get the universe. So what this implies is that life is love, that love keeps everything rolling and that for love at least two opposites are necessary (like pieces of a puzzle). Both of these things that we label as good and bad, light and dark are secretly one, and it can’t be one without the other. Each one of them is define by contrast with the opposite.

Be a lifelong student, keep learning and have an active mind you will live longer. Take the example of Stephen Hawking, with all his ‘bad’ luck, his mind made such a difference. His willingness to find the truth about this reality and the continuous demanding for understanding propel him 76 years. Just think about it, having a mission makes your life longer. Being a continuous learner and wanting to bring your contribution to the table adds years to your life. When you have a direction, a reason, a why to keep going life will smile at you.


Don’t expect good, beautiful and empowering thoughts if you keep feeding you mind with the same shitt.

Feel these words:

-Love is connection, love life

-Love create life and life implies hope

-Everything important is made through connection

-Connection is made through attention, engaging and understanding

-Your ignorance creates all the suffering, you lack of attention and understanding

-Peoples that make the difference have different information -> knowledge is power

-All the problems you have is because you don’t want to grow up and take responsibility

-Suffering is a wakeup call, an opportunity to learn and to not suffer next time

-Your ignorance creates all the suffering, your lack of attention and understanding

-Take it for what it is not what you wish it was

-Dealing honestly and openly with our problems is what makes you human

-You are the stone and the sculptor

-Seek connection and understanding

-At some point you will lose everything and you will keep only what you gave away

-Be right for you first and everything else will fall in to place

-Everything should be done for inside validation

-Conflict is good for your mental development

Daily checklist:

Daily Song: OneRepublic — Future Looks Good


Currently reading: Enlightenment Now by Steven Pinker

Currently listening: 33 strategies of war by Robert Greene

Daily Lesson: Put yourself on the death ground, push your limits, embrace bigger challenges, create necessity removing the safety net, create the point of no return, you will perform better

Daily Draw: girl sketch

