
David Cap
One year journaling challenge
4 min readFeb 24, 2019


Best part of this journaling challenge is that I will not waste even one day of this year. At the end of this year when looking back I will see again the true power of consistency and persistence. Like Calvin Coolidge said it: Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.

When should you love and get in a relationship with another human being? First is needed to be an attraction, physical usually and hopefully mentally after. And like Lauren Zander said it the 3 H need to be met: head, heart and huha, you need to like all this three parts of the other person. If you don’t you are not true with yourself and with the other person. And this ignorance and lack of awareness will give you a miserable relationship. You will hurt yourself and the other person. How would you want to melt into someone if you don’t like every part of her (body, mind and spirit)? I guess because I’m very much a visual creature often the body has a bigger impact on my perception. The sensorial stuff and the impulses from the little reptilian brain are often stronger than my logical and statistical thinking from the bigger cortex. Real rationality comes with practice and like Robert Greene said we all secretly want to be seduce.

A relationship should make this experience more enjoyable and both of you should give love, support, attention and effort. If the first three parts are met (head, hearth and huha) you should fight for each other, trying together to make the relationship work. Don’t attach the problem to the other person, when you did that you basically said: ‘I give up’. Share with the other person honestly and openly what is happening inside, don’t expect them to know. Seek love, connection, humility, empathy and understanding. Both of you are responsible for a great relationship. Is another level to everything that you should find it together with your partner.

A relationship is set up in the first place, because you want to help, support and give to the other person. I hope that’s the case, because when you give than you get much more than you expected. If both of you shoot down the ego (the hungry ghost) and look outward to what the other person needs it should much easier for both of you. Balance is needed like in everything both should put the same amount of time and effort in the relationship, it is a sign that you care. Everything should be discuss no matter how uncomfortable the conversation. If honesty and truth is present it will set both of you free. Together you will create a real and open relationship for hard discussions and understanding. A great and healthy relationship should be built on all the hard conversation that you were willing to take. Before starting a relationship both of you should say why you want it and find each other points of view not just on the relationship but on many other topics.


Don’t let your loneliness lower your standards

You know when you are too picky regarding the other person

Be grateful for real criticisms, that is true love and caring for your persona from the others

Love the person that upsets you in the short term in order to make you better in the long term

Lessons repeat till you learn them

You don’t change peoples they change themselves

If you wait for things to get better you will have and accident life, to have a great life take the initiative, be the CEO and leader of it.

Build integrity and credibility with yourself

Be self-reliant

Your mind needs to be in a continuous motion like a stream, like life itself.

No rigid principles, have a flexible and shapeless mind like water, this is where true strategy comes from

Everything is continually flowing and moving in order to follow it you need a stream like mind

Presence of mind and closeness to reality helps you be flexible in the moment. You need this but not all the time in order to see the bigger context and where are you going you need to detached and think it through.

Embrace conflict it will develop your mind

Gladly accept and deal with fools

Daily checklist:

Daily Song: OneRepublic — I Lived


Currently reading: Enlightenment Now by Steven Pinker

Currently listening: 33 strategies of war by Robert Greene

Daily Lesson: Just be, you are enough for anything you want to accomplish

Daily Draw: Izzy Bizu sketch

