
David Cap
One year journaling challenge
2 min readMay 24, 2019

3 things that you are grateful for:

- For music and sounds

- For my driver license

- For time

1 thing that you can do better:

- Improve the way I experience life


The feeling right before fainting is so interesting, you feel like everything is spinning. In that moment your ego dissolves not knowing who and where are you because you can get or grab any thought, it feels like falling from consciousness.

You are your organism, every part of it. Even if you don’t know all the processes that are happening inside you know when something is not working well. You don’t exist without your nervous system, all you felt, experience and kept until now was due to this marvelous network of neurons and you central unit (your brain). Life is data and everyone process it even if you what or not. And after you process it you can make all sorts of stories and interpretations of it whit the same tool(your brain). You chose the sense of your experience in any moment. Your brain is the core of your being.

Thinking errors from The art of thinking clearly by Rolf Dobelli:

76. Domain Dependence, insights do not pass well from one field to another

77. False-Consensus Effect, you overestimate unanimity with others, believing that everyone else thinks and feels exactly the same as you. so before assuming stupidity on the other part for not getting your point of view, question your assumptions.

78. Falsification of History:

„It is safe to assume that half of what you remember is wrong. Our memories are riddled with inaccuracies, including the seemingly flawless flashbulb memories. Our faith in them can be harmless — or lethal”

79. In group Out group bias:

“prejudice and aversion are biological responses to anything foreign. Identifying with a group has been a survival strategy for hundreds of thousands of years. Not any longer; identifying with a group distorts your view of the facts.”

80. Ambiguity Aversion, based on risk you can make decisions but not so easy when it comes to uncertainty. Risk means that the probabilities are known. Uncertainty means that the probabilities are unknown.


