
David Cap
One year journaling challenge
3 min readMay 25, 2019

3 things that you are grateful for:

- For touch

- For art in any shape

- For this earth

1 thing that you can do better:

- Make beautiful days (for example: connecting with anything I do)


Nobody can help you if you are not willing to help yourself, you are all you have during this life anything else is just temporary in your possession, you are just borrowing it for a while. So take advantage of the time, energy and the stuff that you have. This experience will not last forever.

Thinking errors from The art of thinking clearly by Rolf Dobelli:

81. Default Effect:

“Both the default effect and the status-quo bias reveal that we have a strong tendency to cling to the way things are, even if this puts us at a disadvantage. By changing the default setting, you can change human behaviour.”

82. Fear of regret:

- can make us behave irrationally

- prevents you from throwing away things you no longer require

- becomes really irksome when combined with a ‘last chance’ offer

83. Salience effect:

- ensures that outstanding features receive much more attention than they deserve, therefore shaping your perception

- influences not only how we interpret the past, but also how we imagine the future

84. House-Money Effect, Money is not naked; it is wrapped in an emotional shroud.

“We treat money that we win, discover or inherit much more frivolously than hard-earned cash. The economist Richard Thaler calls this the house-money effect. It leads us to take bigger risks and, for this reason, many lottery winners end up worse off after they’ve cashed in their winnings. So be careful if you win money or if a business gives you something for free. Chances are you will pay it back with interest out of sheer exuberance. It’s better to tear the provocative clothes from this seemingly free money. Put it in workmen’s gear. Put it in your bank account or back into your own company”

85. Procrastination, self-control drains your mintal energy (will power), which is like a battery it needs time to refill. So refill your blood sugar and kick back and relax in order to prepare for next hours of mental effort.

Sources for dealing with depression, anxiety and suicide thoughts

(I’ve been there for two months, this are some lines that help):

- All your mental suffering is your own doing, life is fleeting don’t waste your energy on destroying yourself

- You suffer more in your own imagination than in reality, see that dark lenses that you are looking through

- Get out of your own head, zoom out look at yourself from outside have some perspective, nothing is as good or as bad as you think is it. Approach your situation from more points of view

- You are more tougher then you think, but that doesn’t that you need to make a point of it, instead make your internal experience as good you can is in your power.

- Don’t let the externals take away your ability to choose the response and the way you want to experience what is happening. All human experience come from inside and you can choose it in any moment.

- Forgive yourself for all the unnecessary pain that you impose on you.

- See what you can control, and focus only on that.

- Regarding the meaning of life, living responsible and well for your own existence and in relations with others will do. And if you can’t find one you can make one, create a personal and unique life for this unique being that you are.

- You can find fulfillment and enjoyment in this moment if you choose to. Not the place and the context needs to be changed, but your internal experience that is in your control.

- Love anything that comes your way (amor fati), make your obstacle the way.

- Is not things that upset us but our judgments of them


“All you need are these: certainty of judgment in the present moment,action for the common good in the present moment and an attitude of gratitude in the present moment for anything that comes your way.”


Tim Ferriss post:

Jason Silva FaceBook and YouTube post:

