
David Cap
One year journaling challenge
2 min readOct 25, 2019

3 things that you are grateful for:

- For roommates

- For a good day

- For being close to work

1 thing that you can do better:

- more action less thinking (on work)



(Making small steps towards big progress.)

There are peoples that has no problem having something going but they are sloppy and then is the other extreme that are very methodical, precise and perfectionist (hard to start)

Search for natural biological solutions for your human problems

Is good to set up your life (your context) around your strengths but know that matching you environment with all your strengths is very hard

And know that your environment changes and you will be in some that requires some improvements on your weaknesses

You need to know when to be what and what the context requires from your part

The 5% tweak — with big changes start with 5% tweaks

Business is a facilitator between your idea/product/service and a customer (someone that finds it useful and is willing to make business with you)

The 5% for the perfectionist (you don’t need 100% of the info to get started, 40 will do)

Now the counter part — nothing janky (too sloppy)

Balance again, you need balance

Something worth doing is doing it right

Know yourself and you know what is the right course for you (a perfectionist or too sloppy)

Preparation and execution (balance)

Daily stoic:

Day review:

Up by 6:30

Quick movement get the blood flowing

Quick shower

Breakfast + music

Out by 7:46

Call mom

Office by 8:00

Not knowing what to do next

So I got an email an a call regarding a fix that was necessary for someone to continue some work

Some versioning

Call PO

Lunch by myself (very often lately)

Very unproductive time

Meeting for some training

Out by 16:10

With a colleague (Raul)


Some Kwik video


Back room

Talk roommate

Out for movement

Back for more talks and dinner

Some talk with dad and wishing him well for tomorrow (his birthday)

He insisting to find someone

Then some music from roommate

Tai next step on the balance between preparation and execution

Then this review

Post medium

Stretching and some sleep

