
David Cap
One year journaling challenge
2 min readFeb 26, 2019


Honesty and closeness to reality is so important. Just imagine a world in which people will be open and self-aware of their actual condition and seeing the world for what is it and not what they wish it to be. I don’t mean that I wish for less imagination and more rationality, both are very important and I think should be in the same quantity. I mean that if all of us will be open, honest and telling the actual truth about what we feel, what we see and why we see it and feel it that way. We all will live in a better world because of our collective effort to make it so.

I think peoples don’t tell the truth because of the bad side of human nature that lies in each one of us. We fear judgment from the others because we are not comfortable with ourselves, because we don’t really know who we are. Or think that others are seeing better our flaws. That should be the case if we don’t practice self-awareness. Other might be right about our action but not about our reasons and motives, because only you have the inside context.

Having truly real peace with yourself is the greatest achievement that you can have. Embracing all your strangeness, flaws, strengths and fully accepting yourself will give so much peace and freedom to live at your most authentic way possible.


Look at the person who is giving the advice, will you change places with him/her

Stop playing the victim

You can be the strongest or the weakest creature of this planet is your choice

I can adapt and figure out everything

Do more with less

Get the most of what you have

Be obsessed with life

You can change everything

All the people you know are goanna die, let that sink in a little bit

Be kind

You are born free don’t buy the lies

Everything around you was made by people, be aware of that, you can change you reality

We all physically have the same reality, but each one of us has its own reality made up by our believes and perceptions

Embrace the actual truth of reality

Most of your thoughts are not yours, stop identifying yourself with them

Praise the effort not the person

Tension and struggle is necessary in order to grow

Learn to shift your mindset and perspective about the so called ‘problem’

You live only once

Everyone is a child inside

How do you see yourself? Very important question

Daily checklist:

Daily Song: OneRepublic — Let’s Hurt Tonight


Currently reading: Enlightenment Now by Steven Pinker

Currently listening: 33 strategies of war by Robert Greene

Daily Lesson: Openness is a sign of confidence

Daily Draw: boy sketch

