
David Cap
One year journaling challenge
3 min readOct 26, 2019

3 things that you are grateful for:

- For Saturdays

- For this lazy morning

- For avocado fats

1 thing that you can do better:

- life (more order in it)


All real change starts inside


(The truth about humility, pride and delusion.)

Confidence the foundation to take calculated risks

Michael enormous confidence didn’t sabotage his ability of being teachable

You need to listen better than anyone else

Knowing to tune out 99% of the noise and listen to that 1% person that really know what is taking about is one of the essential keys for a good life

Democratic listening — that everyone gets a vote in your decision is terrible

Look at the person that you listen (do you want to be in their shoes?)

Tune out the bullshit

Choky outwardly and humble inwardly

Confidence comes from competence and competence comes from knowing you craft inside out through conscious and consistent practice (knowledge practice mentors)

Parents who pride their child intelligence sabotage their future potential

Over optimism is self-sabotage

Balance and balance

Intelligence is shown in your daily actions

Don’t start preceding without knowledge

Confidence without knowledge and hands on is stupid

American idol syndrome — thinking that you are good and you are not

You can’t full all the people

Do you even hear yourself?

Confidence comes after the hard part

Kill any praise you get

Pride and arrogance goes before a fall

You compliment the work not the person

Daily stoic:


Day review:

Up by 7:00

Wash some clothes

Out movement

Cold shower

Work check


Send an email (work stuff)

Call father wish him happy birthday

Call from brother

Tai next step -> have the pride to learn

Out wait for bro

Eat a salad together

Go to mall

Then out in the park

Some talking

Back room

Nap 30 minute


Some low momwnts

Out for stretching

Then Lidl


Listen game changers first chapter


Some drawing

Some edits

Update post medium

And some sleep

