
David Cap
One year journaling challenge
3 min readJun 27, 2019

3 things that you are grateful for:

- For another day started in a good way

- For the sound of the wind from outside and this banana

- For my beginnings, childhood and domestication process

1 thing that you can do better:

- More action driven


Just BE.

The quality of your experience is in your hands, you are responsible for what is happening inside. Based on your interpretations and perceptions you have you are the source of your bliss or misery.

This year is just for you, take your time and grow

As long as you are able to take care of yourself, you will keep playing the game. When you can’t take care of yourself anymore then is game over.

Daily Stoic:

“Many are harmed by fear itself, and many may have come to their fate while dreading fate.”


“The next time you are afraid of some supposedly disastrous outcome, remember that if you don’t control your impulses, if you lose your self-control, you may be the very source of the disaster you so fear. It has happened to smarter and more powerful and more successful people. It can happen to us too.”

Day Review:

3:49 wake up

Read, write and listen to Carl Sagan:

Finish implementing c++ logic for processing some data by 5:15

Then out and running + some flexibility

Next the cold shower

Then the breakfast with my roommate

Get dress and brush my teeth and by 6:29 I was out (best morning so far)

Call mom on the way to office

6:43 at office

Open the laptop and test the logic I finished earlier

While testing I happily notice that the error from yesterday was gone

Then make a list with all the code refactoring and the little fixes that in needed to do for the MVP release

Get the last changes made by my colleague on my branch and the error pop back

Continue with the fixes needed for the release and the communication test between the components

Move the call with the PO after lunch and go to eat

12:00 Lunch (Pasta with tomato sauce, greek salad and semolina)

Brush my teeth and back to work

Find the cause of that everlasting error and deal with it

Then finish with the fixes for the release

Next the call with the PO for synchronizing

After build and test the release version

Than the others leave for the team building (15:40)

Then have a call with the PO regarding some messages for the user

Next some more tests of the components communication and a talk with a colleague

Prepare for the final tests when I was interrupted by a call. A guy from management ask me to make some runs on servers that were not particular related with my work

After starting some processes on the servers tried to get back to work but I at too tired

Put everything on hibernate and on 18:10 I was out

While waking to home it start raining.

Make some push up on my room, get the umbrella and go to Lidl

Buy some herring filet and yoghurt

Start eating while listening to this:

And draw a sketch of JP (awesome articulated mind):

Then start the day review.

Have a talk with my roommate and write a message to a lovely girl.

Next I will listen to this:

While posting this

