
David Cap
One year journaling challenge
2 min readJul 27, 2019

3 things that you are grateful for:

- For Adam voice

- For the fresh air in the morning

- For my parents

1 thing that you can do better:

- Deliver my truth in a more elegant way


Let the best version in you elevate the best version in others

Your level of understanding will not stop my growth (to all the rigid minds that I’ve encounter)

Study your hardware (body and mind) to understand why you are doing what you are doing. All that shitt with your angels and demons, rationality and emotions (instincts) actually represent the higher structures of your brain (neo cortex: analytic thinking and rationality) and the lower parts of your brain (limbic system and the reptilian brain: emotions and instincts).

Daily Stoic:

Maroon 5:


Day review:

5:30 Up

Answer to a girl message (no feedback all day)

Out in the garden for some movement

Read write post


Out in town for a haircut (8:30)

Back home and wash my head

Listen to some videos from the youtube channel the school of life

Help father with some woods till 13:30


Lunch by 14:00

Continue reading the book (principles by ray dalio)

Another nap by 16:00

Some more School of life

Some posts on FB


Cold shower


Cut my nails

Scroll instagram for some art

Draw placebo fisheye

Post insagram

Start this review

Post while listening to this:

and admire an old peice of art:

Then rest

