3 things that you are grateful for:
- Rainy days
- Who I am and the person I will become
- Being
1 thing that you can do better:
- more decisive
This routine isn’t working anymore
What would you do for you if you would be someone you would really love and care about?
51. CHATTING WITH WITTGENSTEIN’S LION (The power and effectiveness of language)
Everything starts in the mind (good or not)
If you could hear a lion speak you can’t understand it (different mentality not human)
Each word is a signal
Words don’t creates reality
Words should not be underestimated or overestimated
Communication is more important than vocabulary and words
You need to make yourself understood
Don’t be trapped in your own head project yourself in the future
Being understood is necessary for persuasion and effective communication (common sense)
Our abilities to create languages out rated our capacity to learn them ( with their complexity and sophistications)
Any unknown word is like another language even if is in your language
Is not natural to you to know all the words in your language
Language in not natural
When talking with someone you need to attune with their language and their structure of talking
You need to speak their language
The foundation of getting what you want is around other humans
Causes of suffering — forces of nature, disillusion of our bodies, not proper relating with other peoples
Many problems comes from misunderstanding
The right thing at the wrong time is the wrong thing
Timing of your message (so crucial)
Knowing when to stand your ground and when to run
The right thing at the right time
You can’t always conquer sometimes you need to seduce
Persuasion starts with words
Daily review:
Day review:
Lazy morning up by 6:10
Solid breakfast
Out by 7:15 (rainy day)
Call mom (she get a cold and some good rest)
Office by 7:30
Pull request
Some ideas for some bigger changes
Search a number for a command for tomorrow
Standup Skype
Call PO
Lunch some talking with a college (Denisa)
Some people are really beautiful inside and out
Catch a big queue
Then lunch with the team
Back work
A lot of perfume coming from the bathroom this was the second time
Call from a manger for some little changes
Meeting with the team
4 floor at the office
Some stairs to keep in shape
Some ideas for some changes
Out by 15:40
Still rainy
Manage to make a command for some fruits for tomorrow
Dinner with a roommate
Tai next step (51)
Some drawing
This review
Check something at work
and this: