
David Cap
One year journaling challenge
2 min readJul 30, 2019

3 things that you are grateful for:

- For this awesome time that allows freedom of expression

- For the beautiful discussions that I have with someone

- For this strange and wonder full life

1 thing that you can do better:

- Curiosity


Imagine that is a sad and rainy day and you are in the cemetery sitting above your grave and there is a glass on your grave through which you can see yourself. Now ask yourself what life should you have had in order to look at that dead body with admiration and respect for what he did while being alive?

When it comes to death why rush, is the reality we all share. Sooner or later you will meet that reality. Life is a gift and being a human makes it even more wonderful. There is a time for everything now is for life. Death only makes you appreciate more what you have now and makes life even more precious and profound.

Be prudent when dealing with other peoples, some dates are not enough to know someone. Don’t open up too quickly you don’t know who you are dealing with (keep your weak spots for yourself don’t give them any advantage over you, some peoples are really toxic and dangerous). I know you think you can handle it and sure you can but be always on the watch (on guard).Take it easy and give them space, time and the context that triggers their true nature. Don’t buy the words, buy the patterns of behaviors that they show you

Daily stoic:

Morning input:

Day review:

5:10 Up


Read Write Post

Move outside

Cold shower

Breakfast (tone, peanut butter, yogurt, lemon)

Get dress and brush my teeth

Out by 7:10

Call mom

Office by 7:24


PO back

Code refactoring


Pull request

Email to PO

Planning next PI

Stand up team

Stand up students

Call PO (planning)

Lunch with the team (pasta, salad, desert)

Feedback from my colleagues from the pull request

New c++ project

Out by 15:55

Go and pay UPC

Then run to meet with my brother and his girlfriend

Eat some pasta

Finally realized the lovely girl from the beginning of this month was actually a fucking weasel, a back bitter, manipulator and a devilish person with many masks (but why? What in the hell could had happen to her to behave in such a way? Maybe some trauma or abuse from childhood, or maybe worst who knows)

Out in the park with my best friends

Then said bye to them

Lidl (water + yogurt)

Back room

Listen to some Jordan and Jocko (more on the morning input)

Talk with one of my roommates

Start this review


