
David Cap
One year journaling challenge
2 min readOct 30, 2019

3 things that you are grateful for:

- reaching this day

- mandarins

- the ability of this body to self-regulate

1 thing that you can do better:

- don’t make things worse


I don’t want to live in this way I had enough of myself (i can and must do better)


(Achieving the ultimate win-win with a level 3 approach to life.)

Money is a tool but any tool wielded by fools has the potential for great damage

Pareto efficiencies — win-win framework of thinking

Business levels:

1. win-lose business — manipulative, will turn against yourself (the costumer)

2. neutral business (ex: hotel)

3. win-win business –less friction, more forgiveness from the costumer

Good systems have forgiveness in them (have a margin of safety)

Level 3 business is better not just for your customers is better for you (more money & creativity, less stress and risks)

Do the win-win approach to all the pillars in your life (health, wealth, love, happiness)

Don’t use the win-lose, you are working against yourself

Always look for the win-win

Of course you need to stand up for yourself and use the win-lose because you don’t have another choice


Tai: Stay strong!

Daily stoic:

Day review:

Up by 5:34




Out by 7:15

Pick up the garbage

Call mom

Office by 7:30


Some ideas

Call PO

Some changes needed

New branch

Also some new version of a tool for a colleague

Send it to someone

Some changes and commits

Call PO

Go to lunch

Too long the queue

Try again by 12 with the team

Back work

Call regarding the fruits

Ask some colleagues to help me

Some happy birthday wishes

Some error with the new tool

Send it back with the fix

Want to open a pull request but after some more tests cancel

Out by 16:08

BT to pay the fruits

Back room

Some sketch

Then out to meet with my brother and his girl

Go with my brother to Profi

Meal and talks

Get some help with my mobile finances

Then some problem with the umbrella

Said bye by 20:00

Start a to rain in a nasty way

Walk back room

This review & rest

and a little of this:

