
David Cap
One year journaling challenge
3 min readOct 31, 2019

3 things that you are grateful for:

- A warm October

- Life

- My obsession whit anything I start

1 thing that you can do better:

- assimilate and create more (on what matters, focus on the 4 pillars)


You can be in just one of these frames of thinking at a time: offensive (attack mode) or defensive (victim mode)

You can’t escape life, dying is easy living is hard and in the end even if you kill yourself you get right back here you become god (everything and nothing) and then you want duality again so you get back here

You learn what you want

Create the life you want to have

Everyone got shit take care of yours and you have it so good

Be more obsessed and excited about what you can create in/with this life


Capture value

Whatever you are good at capitalize it

Have a vehicle / system that allow you to capture the value (money, units that shows the value of your time) that you create

First rule: don’t lose money -> second rule: don’t forget the first rule

3 levels of learning:




Capture enough value that creates profit

Fate without action is useless

Skills you want to have: rare and high demand

You can’t be pay for nothing you need to have the ability to create some value

You need to have value and the capacity to convince others that what you create has value

We are born with anything only with capacity to gain and learn skills (adding value in your brain)

Your life needs to be spend in a way that creates enough value so you get profit not just survive

Value: something that is perceived by others as value that they a interested of making business with you

Value need also marketing and sales to reach the others


1. Do you have enough value in your head?

2. Is the value positively perceived by others?

3. Is rare and in demand?

Create enough value and find ways to charge for it (vehicle, business plan, system of monetizing it)

Don’t be afraid of the profit, the profit is the end result of doing a lot of things right

Focus instead of being all over the place, get really good at one thing and build from that

Be so good they can’t ignore you + the business side

Daily stoic:

Day review:

Up by 6:40

Some stretching

Wash my head and face

Get dressed

Out by 7:08

Call mom

Office by 7:20




Pull request


Some ideas on some changes

Call PO


Call regarding the fruits baskets

Go with them at the receptionist

Out for a company presentation

2 h

Back office

Talk with a student (very conscious girl)

Out by 17:00

Lidl (pay with my phone)

Dinner and this

Tai next step (53) -> capture you value -> money

Looking over some personal art

Post and Rest

