What I Learned from Denrele Edun at Social Media Week Lagos

one40plus tMe
Published in
4 min readFeb 22, 2019

It has been about two weeks since Social Media Week Lagos and I’m still processing the experience. Again, I must commend the organizing team for doing a great job and really creating a space where social media enthusiasts and professionals can interact and learn from each other. My only recommendation would be to include more relaxation/sitting areas.

One thing I promised to do after #SMWLagos2019 ended was to write about Denrele Edun, specifically about what I learned from observing him on the floor of the event.

Even Denrele wants to read this! :)

Here I go!

Everyone knows Denrele - even if you live under a rock and actively refuse to keep up with Nigerian pop culture. He is very energetic, has a unique fashion sense, and seems to always speak his mind. That’s really all I knew about him before we met. I’d only ever seen him on TV, in the papers, and in videos on social media.

I noticed him in the audience during one of the fashion panels — I was there to make a connection for work and assumed that it would just be like having another high-profile attendee at an SMW panel: look good for the photos, take a few selfies with some lucky fans, then bounce. I was wrong.

Denrele in action

The first thing I realized after the panel ended was that Denrele really worked the floor. I mean, people were approaching him for selfies, but he was also actively approaching people and eagerly interacting with them. I also noticed that it was hard for me to distinguish between who he really knew and who he had just met, because he was equally engaged in all his interactions. Lastly, I noted with much surprise that he could really rock those platform shoes, even to the extent that the ladies around me were visibly and audibly impressed.

So, what did I learn?

  1. Give people your full attention and treat them the way you would want other people to treat you.
  2. Don’t feel too big to interact genuinely with others and make them feel significant.
  3. Stay true to yourself and your brand, because people can sense when you’re genuine and will reciprocate.
  4. If you go the extra mile, you’ll get the best results from your efforts.
  5. Leave a lasting impression.

I can’t forget how taken aback I was by what Denrele said when I eventually approached him. I’m paraphrasing but he essentially said, “I know you’re going to help my progress.” A winning attitude if there ever was one.

Necessary selfies!

So why did I write this? Because:

  • You never know where you’ll learn a lesson and who you’ll learn it from.
  • To appreciate Denrele. I know that Goldie’s memorial was tough for him.
  • I could (and I did). That’s part of my motto for 2019.

Thanks for reading and have a nice day!

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one40plus tMe

Connector and photographer passionate about sustainable development. 🧘🏾‍♂️|🌴|🔧 #LagMás