About Me

The Short Story of Jimmy Misner Jr.

Jimmy Misner Jr.


Photo by Adam Solomon on Unsplash

I’ll just start of by saying welcome! I’m glad you decided to spend even one iota of your time checking my profile out! I’ll stop wasting your time and get to the nitty gritty!

A Brief Summary (turns out it wasn’t so brief, lol)

I’m a 33 year old, white, straight male. I enjoy reading, spending way to much time on YouTube and playing video games. I’ve been a bit of a man child for a good long time, if we’re being honest, lol.

I’ve worked numerous entry level jobs throughout my life. Mostly fast food, having spent 10+ years doing that. I was actually able to climb up into management almost immediately after getting hired at McD’s when I was 18 years old. Two weeks after being hired, I managed to impress the area manager and was moved into management.

I hated management though. I’m not really the leader type. I’m more of a “Leave me alone and I’ll leave you alone. Mostly though… leave me alone,” kind of guy, lol. I’ve worked a whole bunch of random jobs but for some reason the fast food ones were the ones I lasted the longest in.

While I was able to get management, these weren’t exactly well paying jobs and I definitely did NOT enjoy them. I was lazy and complacent though and I spent a good chunk of my life…



Jimmy Misner Jr.
Editor for

I like to write about everything but mainly life lessons, relationships, and advice in general. I respond to comments so feel free to start a conversation!