I Finally Got Out to the Doctor’s

The results have led to me changing multiple things.

Jimmy Misner Jr.


Photo by Diabetesmagazijn.nl on Unsplash

Okay, so I said I’d update you guys once I knew what was going on with my health. To keep it simple, I found out that I do in fact have diabetes. Basically, my terrible eating habits and lack of exercise have finally, truly bit me in the butt. We also found out I have high cholesterol but that seems to often go hand in hand with diabetes so no huge surprise there.

I’ve been tasked with checking my blood sugar twice a day and given multiple medications to help manage my blood sugar. I’ve also been given medication to help get my cholesterol under control. Insulin was an option but I turned it down, at least to begin with.

If it wasn’t strictly necessary, I wanted to do my best to manage without it. It’s actually been about a week since I found all this out.

Okay, so we know what was wrong and we know what the doctor gave me to help with the situation. Beyond actually doing what I was told, you might wonder if I’m taking this seriously. The answer is yes, I am.

My doctor gave me the usual talk we often have about needing to eat better and exercise more and for once, I’ve truly listened. Nothing like sickness and the fear of an early death to get your priorities straight, eh?



Jimmy Misner Jr.
Editor for

I like to write about everything but mainly life lessons, relationships, and advice in general. I respond to comments so feel free to start a conversation!