The Witchy One is a Pub that Needs More Love!

It’ll teach you lessons and make you laugh at the same time!

Jimmy Misner Jr.


Photo courtesy of Liberty Forrest, Author: Illustration by Witchy

The Witchy One is a pub that specifically tells the tale of a cute little blue witch by the name of Witchy. As you can see from the picture I borrowed from one of their stories (with permission!) Witchy is just as funny as she is a sweetheart.

Of course, it isn’t just Witchy, Liberty Forrest, Author is a part of these stories as well. She tends to play the mentor to an innocent and confused Witchy. She helps her to learn about the new world she’s come to live in and just helps her kind of figure life out in general. I don’t think you could have two better friends than these two!

The reason I’d like to see more people reading these stories is that they’re just so great. You get quality puns like the one in the picture above. You get two sweet characters and you’ll learn some great lessons while you’re at it. I just think these characters and these stories are a delight to read!

If you want something cute, funny and with good lessons to boot, you should absolutely check the pub out! Here’s a link, give it a look!



Jimmy Misner Jr.
Editor for

I like to write about everything but mainly life lessons, relationships, and advice in general. I respond to comments so feel free to start a conversation!