I’m Just A Mom On My Morning Walk, Nothing To See Here

Jessica Delfino
Published in
2 min readOct 14, 2021


Hi there! I’m just getting a little fresh air, out early in the misty morning after dropping my child off at school. Just here to see the foliage and take in some nature on this crisp Autumn morning. I’m just wearing big soled sneakers to protect my aging ankles and support my flat feet. Just trying to get my heart rate up because between the anxiety, sleep deprivation (yes, it’s STILL happening even though my kid hadn’t been nursing for years now and is fully potty trained, WHYY??!?!) and the other health woes, I’m convinced that at any second, I could keel over. It’s a lot of fun!

I’m just on a casual-yet-medium-paced walk, just trying to quiet the demons and voices that chide and mock me relentlessly, reminding me that I ain’t shit and I probably never will be, and my work isn’t seen by anyone and no one cares about anything I do or say, haha! It’s so beautiful out today!

I’m just cruising along at 1.2 mph, phone in hand, snapping pics of red and brown leaves, posting them on Instagram and wishing I had friends to comment back things like, “Wish I was there!” or, “Looking good!” instead of just the very weird endless stream of multiple bots or people, not quite sure which, who pop up to say, “Great shot! Post on @WowPhotosInsta365!”



Jessica Delfino

I write about life with 1 husband, 2 kids, 1 cat, sometimes funny. Instagram.com/JessicaDelfino Bylines: TheNew Yorker, The NY Times, The Atlantic, McSweeney’s.