Announcement of Bounty Challenges | Additional Rewards for Polkadot Hackathon 2023 Summer!

OneBlock Community
Published in
15 min readJun 5, 2023

Polkadot Hackathon 2023 Summer co-hosted by Parity and OneBlock+ is now open for participants! Since the launch of the registration, we have received many applications from hackers around the world. They have shown great interest in the Polkadot ecosystem and a strong desire to contribute to Web3 through smart contracts, tools, social networks and other track challenges. They are actively preparing for the competition, striving to win the grand prize of $300,000 worth of DOT.

Moreover, additional bounties and rewards were introduced for the hackathon. Various projects in the ecosystem have joined forces to provide bounty topics and financial support for participating teams. If your project aligns with any of these bounty themes, don’t miss the chance to receive additional rewards and project resources. The participating projects offering bounties are committed to selecting Web3 projects that demonstrate both innovation and market potential. They will provide extra incentives to the winning projects that meet their bounty criteria.

“One person can go fast, but a group of people can go faraway.”

With the broadening of the track and increased rewards, do you have like-minded partners who are willing to strive together for the highest honor? As someone who takes on multiple roles, do you hope to have excellent hackers with different skills in development, marketing, operations, and others to join your team and create a Web3 star project?

01. Bounty Challenges and Rewards

In this Polkadot Hackathon, apart from the sponsor of $300,000 from the official Polkadot Treasury, there are also bounty rewards offered by Acala, Manta Network, MoonBeam, Astar, Bifrost, Deeper Network, CESS, Gear Foundation and Alibaba Cloud.

Participants who register for this hackathon can not only compete in the main track but also participate in the bounty challenges. It allows them to win additional rewards! The bounty themes include developing interactive features for DApps, showcasing the best use cases for Moonbeam precompiles, leveraging DEP capabilities to create innovative DApps, and more. These themes aim to incentivize participants to propose high-quality creative ideas and develop emerging projects with market potential, injecting endless momentum into the future development of Web3.

Let’s check the details of the bounty challenges!


Bounty Challenges:

  1. Build a dApp with Acala EVM+ using at least one of the following features.
  2. 2.Build a tool with Chopsticks

Bounty Rewards: $4,500

Select “First Prize”, “Second Prize” and “Third Prize” from the entries, depending on their quality

  • First prize: 2000 USD*1
  • Second prize: 800 USD*2
  • Third prize: 300 USD*3

The Details of Bounty Challenges:

Acala is an appchain powering Web3 finance. Acala’s Ethereum-compatible blockchain has built-in DeFi protocols for application developers to leverage, including a trustless staking derivative (liquid DOT — LDOT), a decentralized exchange, the over-collateralized aUSD stablecoin, and the EVM+, a hybrid EVM offering fully Ethereum-compatible development environment plus full compatibility with Substrate. Karura is Acala’s sister parachain to serve the Kusama ecosystem and shares the same codebase as Acala.

Requirements for Theme 1 Participation:

Build a dApp with Acala EVM+ using at least one of the following features:

  • Wormhole bridgeContract address can be found here

  • Wormhole docs

  • Acala Predeploy contracts

  • Polkadot wallet integration

Requirements for Theme 2 Participation:

Build a tool with Chopsticks:

Chopsticks workshop:

Example idea: Take the current governance referendum and dry run it with Chopsticks and display the output.

Manta Network

Bounty Challenges:

Develop a DApp using zkAddress that can interact with Polkadot Ecosystem.

Bounty Rewards:$2,000

The Details of Bounty Challenges:

Manta Network is the zk Layer1 blockchain with the fastest prover speed and most decentralized trusted setup that brings programmable privacy to web3. Its suite of core products and technologies, including zkNFTs and MantaPay, offers user-friendly access to powerful ZK-enabled use cases.

Using the zkSBT SDK and implementing related pallets, build a complete DApp that can interact with Polkadot and deploy it onto the Calamari Network. You can extend your business requirements using the existing pallet-zkSBT. Pallet-zkSBT is the storage layer for zero-knowledge proofs in Polkadot, and the generation of zero-knowledge proofs is completed through the MantaWallet off-chain. Through the SDK, you can complete the interaction between off-chain calculations and on-chain storage. Zero-knowledge proofs have been used in many scenarios on blockchain, and below are some optional directions:

  1. SBT applications of ERC-721 or ERC-1155
  2. Social social-type applications that require KYC leveraging zkSBT and zkBAB
  3. Game-type applications that require zkSBT and use zkBAB to confirm KYC
  4. Private messaging application
  5. DeFi



Bounty Challenges:

Best Use of a Moonbeam Precompile

Bounty Rewards: $1,000

Two winning projects will be selected from the participants and each will be awarded a prize of $500.


The Details of Bounty Challenges:

Moonbeam is a smart contract platform for building cross-chain connected applications that can access users, assets, and services on any chain. By uniting functionality from Ethereum, Cosmos, Polkadot and more into a single platform, Moonbeam solves today’s fragmented user experience — unlocking true interoperability and paving the way for the next generation of applications. The Moonbeam platform uses integrated cross-chain messaging to allow developers to create smart contracts that access services across many remote blockchains. This approach, plus Moonbeam’s developer-friendly EVM platform, vast tool support, and modern Substrate architecture, creates the ideal development environment for building connected applications.

Precompiles are solidity interfaces that act as shortcuts to access powerful features. You can interact with a precompile just like you’d call a smart contract. Yet, precompiles can offer features that normal smart contracts simply can’t offer. Moonbeam has a variety of easy-to-use precompiles, many of which expose important Substrate features, such as Staking and Democracy. Moonbeam also has precompiles that enhance the EVM experience, such as batching transactions, or enabling gasless transactions. To qualify for this bounty, you can use ANY Moonbeam precompile to enhance your dApp in any way.

Judging Criteria:


  • Getting Started in our TestNet:

  • Precompiles Documentation:

Astar & Bifrost

Bounty Challenges:

LSD-Fi、Astar EVM、Bifrost XCM Action Pallet

Bounty Rewards:$7,000

Select “First Prize”, “Second Prize” and “Third Prize” from the entries, depending on their quality

  • First prize: $4,000*1
  • Second prize: $2,000*1
  • Third prize: $1,000*1

The Details of Bounty Challenges

Astar is a multi-VM smart contract platform built on Polkadot. It is also the most popular domestic L1 blockchain in Japan. Astar supports both the EVM and WebAssembly (Wasm) environments and utilizes XVM to achieve interoperability between the two. Astar’s innovative Build2Earn program allows developers to receive economic incentives by building decentralized applications.

Bifrost is an scalable, trustless, decentralized parachain dedicated to cross-chain liquidity staking, built on Polkadot Layer-1. It has provided standardized liquidity staking derivatives (OmniChannel LSD) for nine or more blockchain networks.

Example Explanation 1: vToken Index, which weaves different classes of vTokens into an LSD index.

  • Developed based on the Astar contract, configuring multiple vTokens or other LSDs as index derivatives.
  • Adding vToken to the weight initialization of the index.
  • Interfacing with Bifrost XCM-action Pallet to support vToken minting/redemption at the contract level, where the underlying minting of vToken is automatically triggered by the contract when the user is minting the Index product.
  • Development of a Dapp to support the minting of Index derivatives, a governance history data viewboard with weight adjustment, a data analysis viewboard for Index products, and a cross-chain UI with LSD support.
  • Development of DeFi composable applications for Index products within the Astar ecosystem, participation in DEX liquidity provisioning, as collateral assets for lending protocols, etc.
  • Creation of documentation describing the economic model and operational logic of the project.
  • Organizing community discussions on the implementation of the Index’s LSD rationing weights in Astar Governance through a referendum;
  • Payment of fees using ASTR;

Example Explanation 2: vToken Launchpad, where project parties fund through LSD Staking Rewards or LSDs.

  • Developed based on the Astar contract, allowing users to invest using ASTR, vToken or other LSDs;
  • Formation of DAO organizations by referendum in Astar Governance, with contracts governing the flow of funds to DAOs;
  • Development of a Dapp to support the basic functions of the financing Launchpad, docking to the Bifrost XCM-action Pallet, supporting vToken minting/redemption in the contract, governance, cross-chain, etc.
  • Creating documentation to describe the economic model and operational logic of the project;
  • Establishing a community to guide access to high-quality financing projects;
  • Using ASTR to pay for processing fees;

Judging Criteria:

  • Contribution to the Astar/Bifrost ecosystem (25%)
  • Originality, Creativity, and Innovation (25%)
  • Technical Difficulty (25%)
  • User Experience (25%)


  • Bifrost XCM-action:

  • Bifrost github:

  • Bifrost XCM-action code:

  • Bifrost XCM V3:

  • Astar Docs:

  • Astar Wasm build:

Bifrost serves as a multi-chain liquid staking hub for the Polkadot ecology, providing services for multiple parachains, homogeneous and heterogeneous chains. In order to build a cross-chain ecosystem for vToken, we have created a cross-chain interaction Pallet for vToken based on XCM: XCM-Action. This module can be called parachains across chains to perform minting/redemption of vToken/Token at Bifrost and return to the corresponding parachain.

Astar serves as the multi-VM smart contract hub on Polkadot providing flexible and powerful smart contract solutions to the Polkadot ecosystem with XCM compatibilities.

Combining the features of Astar and Bifrost, participants can develop vToken-related applications based on the Astar EMV-compatible environment and outline unlimited imagination. For reference, entries can be made from the following perspectives:

  1. DeFi applications built around Bifrost LSD vToken, including but not limited to lending, trading, derivatives, payments, etc. We aim to build innovative vToken DeFi applications to achieve open, fair and transparent financial services.
  2. Create innovative vToken Gaming use cases around vToken based on Astar contracts, including but not limited to vToken prize gaming, guessing, price prediction, etc.
  3. Provide a vToken App in Astar ecosystem with customizable UI to guide users to complete vToken minting/redemption and interact with other DeFi protocols in Astar ecosystem.

Deeper Network

Bounty Challenges:

Creating innovative DApps using DEP

Bounty Rewards: $2,000

The Details of Bounty Challenges

In the era of Web3, the importance of decentralized networks cannot be underestimated. Deeper Network has developed DEP, a powerful decentralized network protocol that can transform the network experience and foster new applications. The multifunctionality of DEP comes from its unique features, such as smart routing, edge computing, and content distribution. These characteristics help construct a more secure, more free, and more open Internet, creating innovative DApps using DEP. Here are some application scenarios to spark your creativity:

  • Oracle: You can develop an Oracle DApp by leveraging DEP’s ability to interact safely with on-chain and off-chain environments. This can serve as a bridge, enabling smart contracts to interact securely and reliably with real-world data and services, thereby facilitating applications in finance, insurance, random prediction, and IoT, among other areas.
  • Zeronet: The Internet as we know it is centralized and subject to censorship. With DEP, you can develop a DApp similar to Zeronet, providing users with a censorship-resistant peer-to-peer Internet experience, thus promoting the development of a truly decentralized network.
  • Lightning Network: You can create a DApp that implements a Lightning Network-style payment channel using DEP’s smart routing and edge computing capabilities. This channel will facilitate instant, high-frequency, bidirectional transactions on the blockchain, thereby enhancing the scalability and efficiency of cryptocurrency transactions.
  • Further Exploration: The potential of DEP is enormous, not limited to the above scenarios. DEP can serve as the underlying protocol for various other DApps, such as triggers, state machines, mail relays, etc. This opens up numerous avenues for developers to create breakthrough applications.

Judging Criteria:

  • Originality (20%): How unique and innovative is your DApp? We value novel concepts and fresh perspectives.
  • Integration with DEP (30%): Your DApp should demonstrate powerful integration with the features and functionalities of DEP. It should show how to make the most of DEP’s capabilities.
  • Utilization of DEP’s Unique Capabilities (20%): Does your DApp effectively utilize the unique features of DEP, such as smart routing, edge computing, and content distribution? Show us how to fully leverage these.
  • Execution (20%): We will assess the quality of your implementation. The DApp should be feature-complete, error-free, and user-friendly.
  • Live Demo (10%): Show us your DApp in action. The live demo can highlight its features and functionalities in a real-world environment.


Cumulus Encrypted Storage System (CESS)

Bounty Challenges:

Build an innovative application based on Cumulus Encrypted Storage System (CESS) or its Decentralized Object Storage Service(DeOSS).

Bounty Rewards:$2,000

Select “First Prize”and “Third Prize” from the entries, depending on their quality

First prize: $1,500*1

Second prize: $500*1

The Details of Bounty Challenges:

How to promote Web3 mass adoption and attract more users in line with industry development? Firstly, we must build a mature infrastructure suitable for Web3. CESS pioneered DeOSS (Decentralized Object Storage Service), providing developers with the storage infrastructure to create ground-breaking enterprise-level dApps. CESS integrates smart contract modules based on EVM and ink! which supports various DApps and provides comprehensive development tools and tutorial guides for developers entering the ecosystem. Alongside its massive storage, CESS offers extensive commercial support within its decentralized storage service. You and your development team can unleash innovation and imagination by quickly deploying ink! and EVM smart contracts to the CESS network. Let’s BUIDL with CESS!

Judging Criteria:

  • Originality: 20%
  • Integration of CESS storage: 30%
  • Utilization of CESS technological features: 20%
  • Execution ability: 20%
  • Demo Day Presentation: 10%


Gear Foundation

Bounty Challenges:

Build ecological applications on the Vara Network driven by Gear Protocol

Bounty Rewards:$3,000

The Details of Bounty Challenges:

The Gear Protocol is a Substrate-based smart-contract platform that enables anyone to develop and run a dApp in a matter of minutes. The Gear Protocol is the most developer-friendly way to implement smart contracts with arbitrary logic and of any complexity. Gear smart-contracts run as WebAssembly programs, so they can be compiled from many popular programming languages, such as Rust, C, C++ and many more. The Gear Protocol will assist with the transition to mass use of Web3 technologies by enabling the running of innovative dApps, microservices, middleware, and open APIs. The protocol ensures very minimal, intuitive and sufficient APIs for implementing programs and running them on multiple networks without having to rewrite them.

From a technological point of view, Gear Protocol is distinguished by fundamentally new features that enable you to create asynchronous programs with a completely new and previously unattainable user experience, namely the Actor model for communication, the persistent memory concept and WebAssembly execution environment. The protocol dictates what actors should look like as communicating entities.

Teams who build the following ecological applications on the Vara Network driven by Gear Protocol will have the opportunity to receive rewards:

  1. Ecosystem Support — Analytics, tooling, and sites for Gear awareness.
  2. NFTs — Collections that break new ground, and/or include experimental aspects.
  3. DeFi — Original work that leverage Gear’s Infrastructure.
  4. Gaming — 100% onchain or infinite games that utilise async WASM VM.
  5. DAOs & tooling — decentralised internet, gambling all things weird.
  6. New Things — The most divergent ideas.

Alibaba Cloud

Bounty Rewards: Valued at $56,000 Cloud Services * 5

Additional Bonus:

  • Free Technical Enablement
  • Invitation to join ecosystem event including meet-ups, seminars and workshops

Phase 1

  • Register new account on Alibaba Cloud International website
  • $1,000 Free Trial coupon, valid for 60 days
  • Free 1:1 IM technical enablement tutorial for 1 month (Service provided by Alibaba Cloud authorized partner)

Phase 2 (Available to apply after completed Phase 1)

  • Claim $5,000 Trial coupon, valid for 60 days
  • ACA/ACP Certification or Web3 Clouder course can be redeemed after consuming a $1,000 Free Trial coupon within the first month
  • Free Alibaba Cloud Solutions Architect Technical Advice Hours
  • Invitation to join ecosystem events including meet-ups, seminars and workshops

Phase 3 (Available to apply after completed Phase 2)

  • Web3 projects which have received VC funding investment or enrolled incubation program from Cyberport Hong Kong or first 5th place of hackathon
  • Claim up to $50,000, valid for 6 months

Alibaba Cloud does not specify a fixed development direction for tracks. Participants are encouraged to unleash their creativity. Awards and incentives will be evaluated based on factors such as project completion, creativity and overall level. Outstanding projects will receive various forms of support and resources from Alibaba Cloud.

02. Polkadot Hackathon 2023 Summer

Polkadot Hackathon 2023 Summer started on May 12th and will receive registrations until July 4th. The offline DemoDay for the finals will be on July 14th & July 15th. We welcome all developers who have a passion for Web3. As long as you have ideas and creativity, you can join this hackathon. We look forward to more Web3 builders coming together to compete for a share of the $300,000 prize!

✨The Details of Track Challenges

This hackathon features four major tracks: “Building Parachains + Independent Chains,” “Smart Contracts (and related),” “Blockchain Products and Tools,” and “Open Tracks.” For more details on the specific challenges for each track, please refer to the corresponding article:

Registration for the 2023 Summer Polkadot Hackathon is Open Now!

✨ Registration Process

To participate in this Polkadot Hackathon, aspiring participants can follow these steps to complete the registration and join the official community to stay updated with the latest event information:

Step1: Fill out the Google form

Participants can submit their registration and complete the required information through the following link. Whether you are participating as a team or an individual, each team member must fill out this form. Please note that awards are evaluated based on four categories, so a project can participate in multiple tracks.

🚩Google form:

Step2: Fill out the registration form

Each team should have at least one team member who clicks the registration link, clicks “Submit BUIDL,” and provides the necessary information. You can choose to fill out only the required registration information. By participating in this hackathon, it implies that you agree to the sponsors collecting and storing participants’ personal information for the operation and promotion of the hackathon.

🚩Registration Link:

Step3: Join Discord Group

Please join the discord group and select “2023 Polkadot Summer Hackathon Hacker” as your role. Please modify your username to “Name-TeamName” or “Name-Individual” (if you haven’t formed a team yet).

🚩Discord Group Link:

Step4:Creat your project of 2023 Polkadot Summer Hackathon

  1. Registration is complete. You can immediately start creating your project by forking this code repository into your team members’ repositories:
  2. Generate a directory in the “projects” section, naming it after your team. Start by adding an empty file or a simple README introducing your team. Submit a pull request (PR) to create the directory. This is done to reserve a space for your team. Please pull it down.
  3. Afterwards, all the code related to your project should be stored within the directory named after your team. You can organize it in this way.

4. Submit a pull request (PR) to this repository before 11:59 PM on July 4, 2023. Teams are only allowed to modify the files within their respective directories.

Step5: Preliminary Review

5. The team’s code must be submitted on the Parity GitHub. During the first week of registration, teams should fork this code repository and create a team directory. In the README file, outline the planned code functionalities to be completed during the hackathon (within 1000 words) and submit a pull request (PR) to the Parity GitHub.

6. Each team must submit at least one entry for the competition, and all submissions must be in English.

7. The submission should include, but is not limited to, the following information:

  • Basic information: project name, project initiation date
  • Project overview: project background, origin, problem statement, project description, project demo, technical architecture, project logo, initial version of the project for preliminary review, team information, track category
  • Planned code projects during the hackathon: blockchain backend, web frontend, user registration page, etc.
  • Completed project for the hackathon (to be submitted before 11:59 AM on July 4, 2023)

8. Do not upload demo videos or large PPT files directly to GitHub. Instead, provide links to the demo video and upload the PPT to Google Drive. Only submit YouTube and Google Drive links on GitHub.

9. List the functionalities that were completed by the hackathon deadline of 11:59 AM on July 4, 2023. Place the related code in the “src” directory and outline the completed development work/features in this section. We will pay close attention to these directories/files and conduct a technical evaluation based on them.

10. If you need to refer to any resources, you can click the following link for reference:


11. Submissions for the competition must be made within the specified time (before 12:00 PM on July 4th). Late submissions will not be considered valid.

12. On the evening of July 7th, this repository will provide a preliminary list and select participating teams to enter DemoDay.

OneBlock+ community will be releasing more information about the Polkadot Hackathon. Hackers, please stay tuned for updates!

About OneBlock+

OneBlock+ is a leading global community of developers in the blockchain space, serving as a talent hub for Substrate development. We provide professional technical articles and development courses, organize workshops, hackathons, and entrepreneurial competitions to facilitate practical exchanges. Our aim is to help developers master Substrate technology and delve deeper into the Web3 domain. Additionally, OneBlock+ offers multiple entrepreneurship support services, including technical guidance and access to talent resources, for high-quality Web3 projects. Our goal is to encourage more development teams to build the future open networks using the Substrate technology framework.

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OneBlock Community

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