Participants Guide: The Most Complete Hackathon Technical Resource is Waiting to Pick

OneBlock Community
Published in
9 min readJun 22, 2023

Polkadot Hackathon 2023 Summer, co-hosted by Parity and OneBlock+, is still accepting registrations. If you’re facing challenges during the hackathon and don’t know how to overcome them? If you want a more comprehensive understanding of the Polkadot ecosystem and contribute to its development but lack scientific and comprehensive technical resources? Solving these problems is crucial for incubating a brand new Web3 entrepreneurial project.

Having like-minded teammates can make your competition more exciting, while possessing technical know-how can enhance your ability to develop projects and increase your chances of achieving the highest honors. Many star teams that have emerged from previous Polkadot hackathons have their own technical resources and reference guides. These valuable resources not only provide them with inspiration for project development but also allow them to see broader project prospects by standing on the shoulders of them.

In order to provide developers with a richer and more comprehensive competition experience, we have prepared resources and guidelines for participants in the Polkadot Hackathon 2023 Summer. From beginners to advanced developers, these resources and guides offer comprehensive and thoughtful technical knowledge. They include a collection of excellent projects in the Polkadot ecosystem, introductions to past hackathon-winning teams, and help you become more familiar with Substrate and Polkadot, as well as accumulate practical project development experience. They will guide you from 0 to 1 in creating outstanding hackathon projects.

In the following sections, we will introduce the Substrate/Polkadot Technical Guide. Please collect this competition technical handbook.

01. Technical Guide

Why do we recommend that developers new to Web3 explore the Substrate ecosystem?

Substrate allows you to create customized blockchains by building and integrating different modules. It provides all the necessary technological foundations for blockchain development. Using Substrate modules, you can easily create desired functionalities or develop your own custom logic. It makes blockchain construction easier, more efficient and secure.

Here are some key advantages of Substrate:

  • Non-forking chain upgrades: Upgrading your blockchain has never been easier. With Substrate, upgrading the on-chain logic is as simple as submitting a transaction.
  • WebAssembly cross-language support: WebAssembly is the next web standard. You can write blockchain logic in any language, including C/C++, C#, TypeScript, and Rust, and then compile it to the WebAssembly format.
  • Compatible with the Polkadot network: Your Substrate blockchain can seamlessly integrate with the Polkadot network, making it easy to become a parachain on the Polkadot network and communicate with other chains.
  • Future-oriented blockchain: With features like non-forking upgrades, lightweight clients, and off-chain workers, your Substrate blockchain is prepared for the innovations of future Web3.

The Beginning Guide — Polkadot Wiki

Polkadot Wiki provides technical knowledge for learners, Polkadot developers and maintainers. It will start with the Polkadot definition and explain everything related to Polkadot, including but not limited to basic information such as Polkadot network, community, funding program, ambassador program, account usage guide, research guide and so on. (Including video tutorials for beginners on how to get into the Polkadot ecosystem)


  1. Official Substrate Docs

Here is the most comprehensive Substrate technical knowledge explained. Covering knowledge points from concept introduction to specific code implementation. It is the best document for beginners to understand Substrate.

Step-by-step tutorials that can also be understood by the basics. It teaches you how to use Substrate to make your own dApps and how to build frontends to interact with them.

It contains links to Rust API docs and technical references to Substrate and FRAME tools and libraries.

2. Introduction to Substrate Technology Development Chinese course

The beginner Substrate course co-hosted by OneBlock+ and Parity official can help beginners enter the world of Substrate in the shortest possible time. Developers who are interested can contact Emma to obtain the course information.

Registration Link of this course:

3. Substrate Development Related Tools

Here is the most detailed Substrate blockchain frontend and wallet.

Subscan is a full-featured Substrate blockchain explorer. In addition to searching for blocks, external functions, events and accounts, it offers a user-friendly interactive experience in staking, EVM, parachains and other modules.

Without installing the development environment, Substrate’s online editor directly on the cloud.

4. Official Polkadot Docs


It explains some of the behavior of the Polkadot network and the principles behind it.

5、Polkadot-JS 文档 Polkadot-JS Docs


The docs will explain how to use the Polkadot-JS API to create a client to interact with Substrate and subscribe to on-chain information.

For Experienced Substrate Developers

  1. Substrate Recipes


It provides instructions for achieving specific goals. Each guide explains how to accomplish some specific function assuming you are already familiar with Substrate and Rust programming.

2. Substrate API Docs


Substrate API Docs contain tutorials on how to start networks, clients, and external pools.

3. Fundamentals Learning Rust


Use Rust fragments to explain the keywords and symbols. It helps everyone learn Rust development efficiently in the shortest time.

4. Configure the Development Environment


To explain in detail how to set up a server abroad and compile a Rust project remotely.

5. Learn about the Polkadot/Substrate technology ecosystem and related developments


OneBlock+ official Twitter account continues to update information about Polkadot / Substrate technology and ecosystem. It shares high-quality articles in the industry. If you want to know Web3 hot topics, Polkadot latest developments. Please follow Twitter @OneBlock_ !

Substrate / Polkadot Community

In addition to technical resources, you can also follow the official Substrate / Polkadot community account to keep abreast of the latest developments of Polkadot. You can get inspiration for your project.

List of Substrate Community Projects

Substrate Technical (Public) Matrix Group!

Parity Support Group (Official Engineers Support)!

Parity Watercooler (Chat Room)!

Polkadot Ecosystem Projects

In 2023, Polkadot continues to lead the Web3 ecosystem with its active developer community.

The Polkadot ecosystem has been dedicated to incubating exceptional blockchain projects for the future since its birth. Currently, there are hundreds of teams within the Polkadot ecosystem that have gained attention and favor from investment firms, communities, and individual investors. Many of these outstanding projects have become sponsors of this hackathon, serving as judges and sharing their expertise to guide and support promising entrepreneurial projects. If you are interested in these excellent projects, please stay tuned for the 4 pre-hackathon guidance workshops. You will have the opportunity to interact face-to-face with these exceptional projects, gain valuable technical knowledge, and learn from their development experiences.

Here are introductions to some excellent projects of Polkadot ecosystem:

  • Acala — a DeFi platform on Polkadot that offers convenient features for collateralization, swapping, lending, borrowing and earning yields.
  • MoonbeamA developer-friendly blockchain that enables full EVM and Web3 API compatibility. It bridges that connect Moonbeam to the existing Ethereum network.
  • Astar — a multi-VM smart contract platform built on Polkadot. It is also the most popular local L1 blockchain in Japan.
  • Gear Foundation — a smart contract platform based on Substrate. It allows anyone to deploy a DApp in minutes, using the most developer-friendly approach to implement smart contracts with any desired logic and complexity.
  • Manta Network — The first on-chain privacy protection project of Polkadot. Through cryptographic technology zkSNARK, Manta Network provides users with the highest level of on-chain privacy protection. It aims to become a privacy protection infrastructure.
  • Cumulus Encrypted Storage System (CESS) — A high-speed, secure, scalable smart contract-compatible decentralized cloud storage network infrastructure developed based on Substrate. It is the first decentralized distributed cloud storage network to support large-scale enterprise-class commercial applications.
  • Bifrost — an extensible and non-custodial decentralized cross-chain liquidity staking parallel chain built on Polkadot Layer-1. It provides standardized liquidity staking derivatives (Ominichan LSD) for nine or more blockchain networks.
  • Deeper Network — It is committed to building a truly decentralized Internet and security gateway. It aims to bring a better Internet experience to every home and be the entry point for users to Web 3.0 applications.

Some of Previous Winning Hackathon Projects

The Polkadot Hackathon, co-hosted by Parity and OneBlock+, has successfully held 6 sessions since 2021. A large number of developers have created amazing projects from 0 to 1. The following will introduce some hackathon projects and their development history. We try to give participants a certain reference:

  • Polkadot Appetizer — a tool built for new users of the Polkadot ecosystem. It is designed to provide guidance and seamless transitions for crypto newbies or experienced users in other ecosystems.

  • PMail — is the first email service system based on Web3 and Substrate technology. It has social functions such as aggregate communication, privacy security and asset transportation.

  • zkNFT — a Manta-based zk privacy NFT project. In addition to public NFT minting and transfers, users can also keep their NFT transfers private.

  • PrivaDEX — a cross-chain DEX automation solution, implements XC-DEX in Phala Network’s off-chain computing framework, Phat Contract.

  • ALine — is a DevOps platform of a one-station DevOps toolset for development and operations in Web3. ALine is committed to enabling Web3 developers/development teams to build customizable pipelines to achieve highly automated development and operation processes.

02. The Third Workshop is Coming!

After the first two workshops, you must have gained an understanding of blockchain tools and technical practices, and have begun to explore building custom chains and smart contract applications in line with the Web3 trend. In the upcoming workshop, we will focus on “Polkadot: The Future of Blockchain Infrastructure”. We will explore the path to improving the user experience of multi-chain environments using Moonbeam. We will also draw inspiration from the success stories of DEP in becoming a powerful Web3 innovation platform and learn about the development journey of excellent Polkadot ecosystem projects such as CESS and Manta Network. If you are ready to showcase your skills in this Polkadot hackathon, don’t miss out on the third pre-hackathon guidance workshop! There will be new technical insights and more opportunities for close interaction with industry experts.

If you missed the first two workshops, you can watch the YouTube replays.

🚩The first workshop:

🚩The second workshop:

Event Time

June 25th 20:00–22:00 (UTC+8)

Event Theme

Polkadot: The Future of Blockchain Infrastructure

Event Schedule

  • 20:00–20:30 Improving Multichain User Experiences with Moonbeam
  • Kevin Neilson, Moonbeam Developer Relations Engineer
  • 20:30–21:00 DEP: a powerful web3 innovation platform
  • Arthur, Deeper Network Blockchain Leader
  • 21:00–21:30 CESS : Provide the best decentralized storage for millions of applications
  • Andy Zou, CESS Chinese Community Manager
  • 21:30–22:00 Zero Knowledge Proof, Manta Network and zkSBT
  • Godot, Manta Network Core Contributor

Polkadot Hackathon 2023 Summer has prepared four pre-hackathon guides for all hackers!

The third session is coming! If you want to gain technical experience and contribute to achieving the highest honor in the competition, don’t miss out any of the pre-hackathon guidance!

The registration for the Polkadot Hackathon 2023 Summer is only open for the final two weeks. Register as soon as possible! OneBlock+ will continue to track the progress of the event and share important resources and activities with everyone. Stay tuned!

🚩Fill out the Google form:

🚩Registration link:

About OneBlock+

OneBlock+ is a leading global community of developers in the blockchain space, serving as a talent hub for Substrate development. We provide professional technical articles and development courses, organize workshops, hackathons, and entrepreneurial competitions to facilitate practical exchanges. Our aim is to help developers master Substrate technology and delve deeper into the Web3 domain. Additionally, OneBlock+ offers multiple entrepreneurship support services, including technical guidance and access to talent resources, for high-quality Web3 projects. Our goal is to encourage more development teams to build the future open networks using the Substrate technology framework.

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