Play It Forward Event

Lysa Penrose
Published in
2 min readApr 27, 2020

These are difficult times. Social distancing certainly isn’t making things any easier. But even if we’re isolated physically, that doesn’t mean we can’t still pull together! Join us for the #PlayItForward Event.

Along with licensors on Dungeon Masters Guild (Wizards of the Coast, Fantasy Grounds) and Storytellers Vault (White Wolf), we have agreed we can do more. For two weeks in May, we will waive our share on all sales of community-created products on those sites. As a result, all revenue earned for those titles will go directly to the creators.

When you buy any DMsGuild or Storytellers Vault community title from May 4 to May 17, you are reaching out to lend a helping hand. You’re putting more money straight into the pockets of your gaming community.

Plus, to thank you for supporting creators, we’ll be running a sitewide sale. Enjoy 20% fun and useful titles that are at least 30 days old.

Creators and affiliates, here are details about #PlayItForward you should know:

  • To ensure your title is included, it must be published on DMsGuild or Storytellers Vaults by Thursday, April 30, 2020, at 11:59pm PT.
  • For projects with split royalties, the additional share of revenue will be prorated across contributors.
  • As 100% royalties are going to the creators, the affiliate program will be suspended during the event. Members of our affiliate program, thank you for your understanding and creator support during this time.
  • For print sales, we will pay the print cost of the book before passing the rest along to the creators.
  • Play It Forward will not apply to specific community programs hosted via DriveThruRPG, but look out for details about charity initiatives on this site, coming in May.



Lysa Penrose

I am marketing manager for DriveThruRPG and DMsGuild!