Auto-scaling and Load Balancing a Web Application

Wajahat Ali Abid
Published in
2 min readAug 12, 2020


Load balancing in cloud computing is the process in which workloads and computing resources are distributed across more than one server. The workload is divided among two or more servers, network interfaces, hard drives and other computing resources which result in better utilization and system response time, whereas, auto-scaling is a way to automatically scale up or down the number of compute resources that are being allocated to your application based on its needs at any given time.

There are a number of ways to auto-scale and load balance your applications using a wide range of tools available. In this example, We’ll demonstrate auto-scaling and layer 4 load balancing of a Web API using nothing but open source tools.

The basic architecture of the implementation looks like this:

Load Balancing using HA Proxy

Explanation of Architecture

At the center of the system lies HA Proxy which is free, and open source software that provides a high availability load balancer and proxy server for TCP and HTTP-based applications that spreads requests across multiple servers. While on the right side is the auto scaler script, which is responsible for launching or destroying docker containers based on the auto-scaling matrix. Whenever a new docker container is launched by the script, the HA Proxy is notified about it. HA Proxy then adds this container to its load balancing group. In case a docker container is removed from the group, HA Proxy removes the container from its load balancing group.

Environment Setup

To setup this environment, you need to have the following components installed on your system.

  1. HA Proxy
  2. Docker
  3. Python


1. Build Docker Image

docker build -t ha-python ./api

2. Configure HA Proxy

Add the following text in the ha proxy configuration file (/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg).

frontend flask_frontend
bind *:80
mode http
default_backend flask_backend
backend flask_backend
balance roundrobin

3. Run the autoscaler script

Install the required dependencies by running the command

python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt

Give script execution permissions

sudo chmod +x ./

Run the script by running the command


Open localhost in the browser, and you’ll be greeted with the following response

"host": "095dd8b087c0",
"message": "Hello"

Where 095dd8b087c0 is the hostname of the docker container. Install the stress tool and run the command to impose stress on the cpu

stress -c 2

This will raise the system CPU usage and now each time you open localhost, you’ll see a different host in the response.

Source code to this is available here. You can reach out to me via Email, Twitter and LinkedIn.

