OneByte Employee Spotlight — Murtaza Ali Baig

Haadia Athar
Published in
5 min readDec 29, 2022

Welcome back to another edition of the Spotlight Series, where we try and recognize our most important asset — our people. We are proud of the talent we foster here, and want our clients to know more about the people behind the products. This month, we have chosen Murtaza Ali Baig, who is the Principal Software Engineer (Data Science) at OneByte. We had a chat with him to go over his career path and what led him to the point he is at today.

Hello Murtaza! Excited to have this conversation with you!

Murtaza Ali Baig (MAB): Me too! Thank you for having me!

So let’s get right into it. Please tell us your role/title and what you do at OneByte.

MAB: Currently I am a Principal Software Engineer — Data Science at Eon. Primarily we work on developing Computational Linguistics Models for the early detection of different cancerous diseases. Also, I love playing with data and trying to combine it with intuition to come up with meaningful insights for the stakeholders. Managing projects and helping my teammates achieve personal and professional goals during their work regime is part of my job as well.

Why did you choose to join OneByte? How long have you worked here?

MAB: My first visit to the OneByte office was in June 2018 to meet my friend who was working there as a Software Engineer. That day I met Muneeb (our chief) and we had a chat for 10 mins about my career and about the work Onebyte is doing. At the time I didn’t realize that I was being interviewed. He offered me a job in merely 10 minutes.

I always wanted to work with someone who would enable me to work on my skills, explore, evolve, and unleash my potential. In those 10 minutes, I found Muneeb to be the person I would like to work for, hence I accepted the offer.

I have been part of OneByte since July 2018, it’s been 4.5 years almost.

What made you choose your career path?

MAB: My interest in cutting-edge technologies and my passion to lead.

What is your team like?

MAB: My team is a bunch of highly motivated individuals from diverse cultural backgrounds, different age groups, and having vast experiences. The best part is every individual on our team has an amazing urge to learn and succeed. We work in different time zones which requires discipline and great work ethics for smooth coordination and everyone on the team is always up for it.

What motivates you to wake up and go to work each morning?

MAB: The biggest motivating factor is the type of work we are doing; every morning is a new opportunity for us to save numerous lives. Our office space is my second home too because we have this inclusive environment where we enjoy working together and having some light-hearted moments. Also coffee, coffee is a motivation for me.

What have been your biggest accomplishments at OneByte?

MAB: My biggest accomplishments include

- The journey of starting a data science team from scratch to building a team capable of developing highly accurate computational linguistic models that impact healthcare by saving lives.

- Leading the way in Agri-Tech through a Computer Vision based solution for animal insurance.

- Being able to successfully manage a team consisting of individuals with cultural diversity.

What’s the most unique part about working here?

MAB: The company culture is great, enabling us to work on different projects, learn from diverse teams, take initiative, take ownership, and even learn from our failures.

How have you grown professionally while on our team?

MAB: From being a procrastinator trying to find shortcuts for career growth to grinding day in and day out and managing a team of data scientists with a sense of responsibility and ownership, I think I have come a long way. Still, a long way to go though.

What’s something most people don’t know about you?

MAB: I am often confused for an extrovert but I am an ‘extroverted’ introvert.

What do you like to do when you aren’t working?

MAB: When I am not working I spend most of my time with my family: helping my wife with household chores and co-parenting our toddler. I like breakfast sessions with my mother trying to learn from her life-long experiences.

A part of me is a social activist as well, indulging in social welfare activities every now and then.

I love participating in physical activities, such as exercising, running, and playing cricket, or football. In my free time, I also watch movies, videos, podcasts, and documentaries with intriguing, motivating, and humorous content.

What is your motto or personal mantra?

MAB: Always strive for excellence, grind yourself, work hard, and play hard.

Three words to best describe you?

MAB: I will give you four: Resilient, Evolving, Go-Getter, and last but not the least, ‘A True Foodie’.

If you could have any superpower what would it be?

MAB: ‘The power to influence your environment’. Where a superhero might be capable of controlling the elements, I could be skilled at persuasion.

After our chat with Murtaza himself, we also approached his manager, Muneeb Ali (MA), to tell us about his experience of working with Murtaza. Here’s what Muneeb had to say.

What do you like the most about working with Murtaza?

MA: Murtaza has always shown immense ownership of his work and is an excellent bearer of company values and culture.

Three words that describe this individual best?

MA: Team player, Ownership, Compassionate

What has been this individual’s biggest contribution to your team?

MA: Murtaza has worked in different roles since joining OneByte; from development, support, and now a managerial role. He has always been a great problem solver and has shown enthusiasm in every role he has been in. I also really admire his positive attitude.

Outside of specific projects, what kind of impact has this individual had on your team in a positive way?

MA: Murtaza’s contagious positive attitude has always helped with team building and is a motivator for other team members.

Why did you nominate them for this program?

MA: Murtaza stands out as an enthusiastic, energetic, and dedicated engineer on the team and deserves to be recognized repeatedly for his contributions to the organization.

The Spotlight Series is on its way to becoming a regular feature for OneByte, to highlight our talent, encourage creativity, and foster excellence through the simple act of appreciation. Stay tuned for the next one!

