Chapter 1 — How It All Began

Subhashree Jain
Published in
2 min readOct 7, 2017

I am that person in the group who loves ordering but hates the idea of completing a meal and super against wasting food. I am also that one person who is always instagram’in the things on the table. One by two is my attempt at writing about things that make us all — Food.

Food is art, food is love, food is life. Presenting you the honest and unadulterated sentiments about the food I eat at the different places.

One by Two as a name came naturally to me because I have the eyes of a puppy when I have to convince my fellow to share it with me. Completing a meal is a task, hence, One by Two is a solution for me while its a problem for the other.

Favorite cuisine — Indian (Can’t handle the spices but cannot do without it)
What’s my poison — LIIT
Am I a qualified Food Blogger — NO.

The opinions expressed here are solely my viewpoints and do not belong to anything that pops on your head.

Also, I might not use the right words to fit in the community, Aam Aadmi (Literal translation — Mango people, but read — oridinary being)you see.

I hope you love reading as much as I love writing them.
Bon Appetite!

