I’m officially giving in… to the AI

Max Yamp
One Click Labs
Published in
5 min readJul 31, 2022

Yesterday I woke up and opened my Binance app to see a tall green bar in my daily PnL chart.

Daily PnL chart (Binance.com)

“The crypto is pumping again.” — I thought with a warm feeling inside.

I looked at TradingView to see that, indeed, Bitcoin returned +10% overnight as well as other cryptocurrencies.

BTC:USDT 1D July 2022, TradingView

And then I thought: “How did AI trading bots react to this movement?”

I opened my dashboard and was flabbergasted…

AI trading tech

You see, I have 99% of my crypto capital managed by AI technology developed by One Button Capital.

In essence, it’s like investing in BTC, ETH, BNB, etc., but having your personal department of 20+ traders working 24/7 on maximizing your ROI. Not only do these “AI agents” work non-stop to spot the best market opportunities, but they also can process gigabytes of market data per second, shadowing the capacity of even the most sophisticated human trader teams. And all this is available within reach of my pocket on a mobile device.

So that moment I opened the OBC app and reviewed the recent trade history, I realized, “It’s over… everything I knew about trading was instantly overruled by what AI did to my portfolio.”

The AI that knows when to buy and sell

You may recall an earlier story on how trading AI can reduce risks when investing in bear markets; so this time, AI shows that it can be useful in any given market — bull, bear, or sideways.

AI vs. BTC

The last 30 days were a complete blast for the AI that trades on BTC:USDT. The AI managed to buy in exactly before the pump on Jul 27–28 and utilize all the upside. The trade history shows it all; I’m not going to comment on it.

Trade history chart on BTC:USDT, Performer v2 AI, 01.07.2022–31.07.2022 (One Button Capital app)
Trade history on BTC:USDT, Performer v2 AI, 01.07.2022–31.07.2022 (One Button Capital app)

This AI’s total ROI for the last 30 days is +34.69% against +20.76% of BTC.

Performer v2 AI ROI vs. BTC (Buy-and-Hold) ROI, 01.07.2022–31.07.2022 (One Button Capital app)

AI vs. ETH

AI was also spot-on to buy in before the ETH pump. It has been completely dominating the market for the last month. Again, the trade history shows it all.

Trade history chart on ETH:USDC, Performer v2 AI, 01.07.2022–31.07.2022 (One Button Capital app)
Trade history on ETH:USDC, Performer v2 AI, 01.07.2022–31.07.2022 (One Button Capital app)

Overall, this AI returned +13.50% since it was activated on December 3, 2021, vs. -62.42% of Ethereum it has been trading on.

Performer v2 AI ROI vs. ETH (Buy-and-Hold) ROI, 03.12.2021–31.07.2022 (One Button Capital app)

AI vs. BNB

BNB was not an exception. Spot-on trades, market-beating performance.

Trade history chart on BNB:USDT, Performer v2 AI, 01.07.2022–31.07.2022 (One Button Capital app)
Trade history on BNB:USDT, Performer v2 AI, 01.07.2022–31.07.2022 (One Button Capital app)

Overall, this AI returned +19.48% since it was activated on December 3, 2021, vs. -51.33% of BNB it has been trading on. This shows that AI can manage risks and generate returns under various market conditions.

Performer v2 AI ROI vs. BNB (Buy-and-Hold) ROI, 03.12.2021–31.07.2022 (One Button Capital app)

AI vs. ETC

And here goes my favorite: Ethereum Classic. Due to recent fundamentals, this coin has been pumping particularly actively. Guess who was there to capture all the upside? (hint: it starts with A and ends with I)

Trade history chart on ETC:USDT, Performer v2 AI, 01.07.2022–31.07.2022 (One Button Capital app)
Trade history on ETC:USDT, Performer v2 AI, 01.07.2022–31.07.2022 (One Button Capital app)

Overall, this AI returned +117.39% since it was activated on November 18, 2021.

Do you know how much you would’ve made if you just “buy-and-hold” ETC for the same period? -23.01%!!!

Performer v2 AI ROI vs. ETC (Buy-and-Hold) ROI, 18.11.2021–31.07.2022 (One Button Capital app)

When I saw this happen myself in real time, saying that my jaws dropped would be an understatement. For a few minutes, I was just glued to my screen — I could not believe my eyes. I realized I would never give anyone else to manage my money except this technology.

This AI trading thing works. It works consistently for more than 18 months since our launch. And it keeps surprising us with on-spot trades every time.

The world of investing is never going to be the same. AI and machine learning technology will conquer financial markets where humans will become obsolete. We already see it happening NOW. Join us in our journey.

You can try One Button Capital here.

This is not financial advice. This article is strictly educational and does not provide investment advice, solicit the purchase or sale of any assets, or encourage readers to make financial decisions. Please use caution and conduct independent research.



Max Yamp
One Click Labs

Creating accessible, transparent, and reliable DeFi. Founder of OneClick.Fi