Alexey Golyakov, oneFactor Development Director, spoke about the possibilities of Big Data for the development of the city infrastructure

1F team
Published in
2 min readNov 28, 2019

The workshop on the possibilities of using Big Data in the field of tourism was attended by representatives of the Nizhny Novgorod City Hall, the regional government, entrepreneurs, as well as specialists from MegaFon and the technological partner of the operator, oneFactor. The administration of Nizhny Novgorod is planning to use Big Data technology to analyze tourist flows: how many tourists visited the city, where they stayed, what sights they watched. In the future, this information will help to determine the direction of development of urban infrastructure.

By analyzing the anonymized data of operators, you can get information that is not available to traditional statistics: the exact number of tourists, including those traveling by car, placements, interests.

“Sometimes it happens spontaneously — let’s go to Nizhny Novgorod for the weekend, and so we did. Young people come, also the elderly and the families. Therefore, it is very important to know the profile of who comes to us, to know exactly how many tourists visit the city. We must prepare for the 800th anniversary of Nizhny Novgorod and Big Data will be able to help with this,” says Andrey Moiseenko, head of the Department of Entrepreneurship and Tourism of the City Hall.

At the meeting, the urgent tasks of the city and the capabilities of operator analytics systems were discussed. The administration of Nizhny Novgorod will use detailed reports on tourist flows to develop plans for the further development of urban infrastructure.

Big Data Analysis is a new industry that is rapidly gaining momentum. “Now Big Data is forming a new economy, which allows us to solve problems that previously simply could not be solved. A whole layer of new data is emerging that, if we talk about the topics of today’s meeting, will help in the development of tourism infrastructure in order to attract new tourists, hold events that were not held before, because they did not know if there was an audience for them, and so on, ” — says Alexey Glyakov, development director of oneFactor.

The meeting also presented the capabilities of technology for analyzing traffic flows and the movements of residents — this information will be useful in planning the construction of new roads and social institutions.

You can watch the video here.

