Outdoor advertising market received free access to media measurements data for the first time in Russia

1F team
Published in
4 min readSep 20, 2019

Data on media measurements became open to all participants in the outdoor advertising market.Now, using the SmartIndex 2.0 media meter, operators will be able to choose places for installing new designs, advertising agencies save on purchases, customers optimize address programs, and external developers have the opportunity to earn and develop services for outdoor advertising.

oneFactor, together with the Russian largest mobile operator MegaFon, brought to the market a free service of outdoor advertising media measurements SmartIndex 2.0. The service works on the basis of data on the load on the networks of mobile operators, as well as other sources — data of Internet companies, Wi-Fi providers, retailers, banks. More than 300 thousand advertising surfaces across Russia have already been integrated into the system, and users continue to add new measurement points to the system. The history of audience measurements covers data up to 1.5 years from any geographic location in Russia. To date, about 80% of all advertising surfaces in Russia have been estimated through SmartIndex. The service works for any surfaces, regardless of the format and location of advertising structures, and even allows you to evaluate the place to install new ones.

Now operators, advertising agencies and direct advertisers can get average GRP and OTS ratings for free. Through the web-interface you can download any address program and get the necessary media indicators and assessment of the effectiveness of placement. Service evaluates existing advertising surfaces and new places for their installation in seconds. Users can receive ratings for narrow target audiences — by gender, age, income level, place of residence, taking into account the transit population and other target groups.

The first user of the new media measurement was MegaFon itself. Testing of the instrument was carried out both in large cities of the country and in small settlements.

“We are pleased with the appearance on the outdoor advertising market of an affordable media measurement from our exclusive technology partner, oneFactor. We ourselves are faced with the problem of finding a truly effective and reliable tool for media measurements. MegaFon places outdoor advertising throughout Russia, and this requires huge budgets. At the same time, when purchasing inventory, there is no transparency, as a result, we have to rely on buying agencies, — said Pavel Zakharov, director of corporate marketing for MegaFon. — For us, products based on Big Data are one of the growth drivers. And the launch of free open-access media measurement for all is an extraordinary step for the market, and we hope its participants will appreciate it.”

oneFactor is starting to provide free media measurement and other services to the largest outdoor advertising operators, such as Vera-Olymp, to the largest advertising agencies, such as MediaInstinct. The results of measurements on the data of mobile operators are beginning to be used by the largest advertisers, among them Gazprombank.

Negotiations with all major federal operators oneFactor were initialised about a month ago. Vera-Olymp was the first advertising operator to connect to the service, which demonstrates the innovativeness of this advertising group. Also, a number of large regional operators have already connected to the service. Now at the stage of signing are a few contracts with outdoor advertising operators from among the TOP5 in the Russian Federation. In total, more than 60 outdoor operators have already connected or are negotiating to connect to the service.

“For the first time in Russia, all participants in the outdoor advertising market are given free access to data on media measurements. Despite the fact that the market is currently actively developing, in terms of media measurement, quite outdated tools are still used. Existing meters cover only the largest cities, and the audience is calculated manually or using expensive equipment — video cameras, wi-fi scanners. By providing free access to our media measurements data, we want to make the market more transparent and ensure its long-term development. According to our forecasts, by the end of this year more than half of the key market participants will switch to the SmartIndex 2.0 service, ” — commented Roman Postnikov, oneFactor CEO.

The free part of the service includes data for 41 largest cities in the country, including Moscow and St. Petersburg. In the paid version of the service, data are available for 1108 cities and 154 thousand other settlements, for which 100% coverage is reached both in terms of structures and the population. It doesn’t matter if the surface is electrified, if additional equipment is installed on it, the service will still evaluate the ratings and determine the audience profile of this location.

The service also processes data on territories that are not included in the boundaries of settlements, because advertising structures are often placed on highways. At the same time, until recently, market participants did not have the opportunity to obtain operational media statistics even in the Moscow region, not to mention less populated regions. Now, using SmartIndex 2.0, all market participants, including small regional players, can receive measurements in automatic mode in seconds through a specially designed web-interface accessible via the Internet anywhere in the country.

In addition to oneFactor media measurements, SmartIndex 2.0 users can connect additional services, such as optimizing targeted programs, targeted placement on digital advertising surfaces, calculating conversions for already implemented advertising campaigns, and conducting omni-channel campaigns.

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