The Doomsday Portfolio: Securing Your Assets

Stacie Stewart
Published in
3 min readFeb 12, 2019
Photo by Vladimir Solomyani on Unsplash

Imagine for a moment that traditional fiat currencies falter due to a geopolitical event. Maybe it’s famine, a weather-related disaster or war. Whatever occurs, it destroys the ability to access your money by crippling the governments and organizations built to endear trust within the financial system. Consumers can’t purchase basic products with regular dollar bills since the businesses can’t trust the currency. Companies crumble without a viable currency for payment. Investors have very few places to turn since traditional assets no longer have value.

Investing with a mind towards protecting from the worst-case scenarios in life is a common reason investors place funds in cryptocurrencies and gold. People often buy both assets as a way to find safety in case the unimaginable happens. If you’re such an investor, building a doomsday-proof portfolio has value. And for those looking to protect against this horror, there’s never been a better way to diversify this section of your portfolio than with the advent of digital gold through OneGold.

Cryptocurrencies, OneGold Provide Security

The wonderful byproduct of the technological innovation that took place with the development of cryptocurrencies, and has since progressed with OneGold, is that everything that we once knew has changed. Instead of disruption, a more well-rounded, safe environment has formed for investors looking to protect themselves from disaster. Digital gold, which is tracked on the VaultChain ledger, gives the investor a safer cryptocurrency tied to the price of gold and should be utilized in tandem with gold bars and traditional cryptocurrencies.

That’s because if you have digital gold, gold bullion, and cryptocurrencies, then you have many different ways to respond to such a terrifying moment. You can access your gold, either through bars you store or via digital gold, which you can redeem or continue to keep on the blockchain. If businesses turn to cryptocurrencies in such a moment, you can use them for more short-term purchases and use gold to then buy more cryptos. If cryptos become obsolete, then you have the gold — both in your vault and on the blockchain — which would continue to be accepted, since it’s one of the oldest and most trusted currencies known to man.

The Doomsday Portfolio

You can now view your alternative investments in gold and cryptocurrencies as a mini portfolio. Within this doomsday protection, you’ll have security, diversification, and upside in these assets.

Here’s how it would work:

  • One-third in traditional gold bars — Your gold investments are within reach, at home or in a vault
  • One-third in digital gold — Track or sell your gold on a digital medium, and you don’t have to worry about storage. They can be redeemed for gold bars delivered to your home at any time
  • One-third in cryptocurrencies — It’s the speculative part of the portfolio, but one you can tap if fiat currencies fail

There have never been more ways to keep your wealth secure outside the traditional investing environment. It’s a breakthrough, but instead of fear, OneGold instills confidence because it’s innovation with a purpose, backed by the experience and trust of gold.

It makes that doomsday scenario slightly less scary.

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