MVP or MVP ?

Christian Brooks
One iota
Published in
3 min readFeb 9, 2021


I would have posted about this yesterday but after a 4am finish watching the Superbowl and an early start I didn’t quite trust myself to write anything that made sense ! It was amazing to watch a one in a generation talent such as the Tampa Bay Buccaneers Quarterback Tom Brady lift his 7th Superbowl trophy and win the Most Valuable Player awarded to him surrounded by family and teammates.

As a fan of American Football since the late 80’s (a long suffering Raiders fan) and being involved in a tech business there is always a moment’s hesitation when I hear the term MVP, my brain flicking between sports to business modes and between Most Valuable Player and Minimum Viable Product.

Over the years the term MVP (product….not player) has rarely been referred to when brands and retailers have thought about a Mobile App as part of their digital strategy. One of the main reasons for this has always been the significant up front costs of having to develop across iOS and Android platforms. When choosing our game plan to deliver Mobile Apps for our customers we selected Flutter by Google. The cross-platform nature of Flutter reduces time-to-market, having one code base, third-party libraries and ready-to-use components making it a more efficient and cost effective way to build your apps. We built our most recent Mobile App in Flutter for these very reasons.

The app provides a seamless shopping journey for their customers, we believe the real value for Life Style Sports will be a technology stack that allows new features and functionality to be delivered quickly to iOS and Android experiences by a single team. Building new features for the app quickly and in a cost effective way will be crucial to setting them apart from the crowd, leading to improved conversion, higher average order values and increased repeat purchases.

Flutter really is a game-changer for any brands looking to create an App in the most cost effective and flexible way.

Which is why our vote for MVP goes to Flutter.



Christian Brooks
One iota

Member of a team on a mission delivering Apps to help brands improve the customer experience.