From ICO to Testnet — Our 6-month journey!

Published in
3 min readDec 31, 2018

Hello Community,
From an 8-person team to 14 and an MVP to a Testnet release, this is how far OneLedger has reached since its last fundraising round. None of this would have been possible without the trust and the backing of our incredible community, who have stood by us throughout this journey. We would like to sincerely thank all our supporters for standing by our sides and watching this project grow brick-by-brick.

Through this article, we would like to provide you with a brief summary of OneLedger’s various activities during the last 6 months, and what to expect in the near future.


We have always believed in not going crazy over recruiting and look to expand our resources at a steady pace. Our philosophy at OneLedger is to have a lean team capable of achieving continuous growth with the big picture in mind.

During the past few months, we have recruited a CM team as well as added some additional resources to our business and development teams. These team members will play an important role in increasing the OneLedger project awareness across the globe.

We are also looking to add a few team members to our development team, to increase efficiency and productivity, over the course of 2019.


OneLedger has formed important partnerships with several blockchain companies (like TomoChain, Dispatch, PChain, EdenChain, just to name a few) over the past six months. These companies will collaborate with OneLedger in terms of sharing resources, increasing global awareness, and bolstering the blockchain ecosystem. Some of these companies will also take on important roles of acting as validators, and help strengthen our network.


The past few months have been rather quiet for our team in terms of attending events and increasing our project’s outreach to the blockchain community. However, we attended a few events which we deemed were necessary for our project to evolve.

Now that, our Testnet has launched, we will be attending several events in North America to demonstrate the product and bring more enterprises on board to test it. Apart from North America, we have our eyes set on having a strong foothold in Asia, as we believe there is a big opportunity for growth there.


OneLedger launched its MVP back in June. Since then, our Dev Team has worked countless hours to execute everything with perfection, and launch a stable Testnet, Chronos.


Chronos is integrated with several features which will serve as the basic foundation leading up to the Mainnet. The features include:

  • Dynamic Validator Support
  • Network Usage Fees
  • Remote Procedure Calls
  • Javascript Smart Contracts
  • Cross-chain mechanics (BTC, ETH, OLT)
  • Cross-cloud deployment on Google Cloud and AWS
  • OneExplorer (coming soon)

“OneLedger is a flexible, scalable, and user-oriented blockchain infrastructure with cross-chain support. We encourage our community members to participate in testing and building the OneLedger network, and gain first-hand experience of OneLedger’s highly flexible development environment and enjoy the usability of the cross-chain world. We sincerely invite you to join our Testnet and build OneLedger together!”

— David Cao, Founder of OneLedger

2018 has been a great year for OneLedger in terms of technical and business development. We look forward to continuing working with the same spirit as we step into 2019. Wishing you all a very Happy New Year.

As always, we appreciate all the feedback and support by the OneLedger community.

If you would like to hear more about OneLedger, feel free to follow us on the following channels:




A Universal Blockchain Protocol Enabling Cross-ledger Access through Business Modularization. Website: