OneLedger Developer Meet-Up Highlights

Sahir Parmar
Published in
4 min readFeb 22, 2019

Hello Community,

As you may be aware, OneLedger held it’s first Developer Meet-Up in Toronto on February 13, 2019. Despite the cold and stormy weather, the turnout for our event was great.

Sahir Parmar (Community Director), Shaleen Ladha (Marketing Associate) and David Cao (Founder) welcoming guests

David Cao, the Founder of OneLedger welcomed the guests to the event with a short speech. “The success of OneLedger relies on the community support and we have been putting a tremendous amount of effort in building a great community by organic means”, said David.

The event started out with a great presentation by Aly Kassam, the Product Manager at OneLedger. He spoke about our vision and discussed several stages of product development.

Aly Kassam (Product Manager) presenting the Product Development

“OneLedger has interoperability and enterprise connectivity embedded in the network. We would like to bring AI and IoT back”, said Aly. “We are aiming to create something that can be adapted into any blockchain with easily accessible tools”, Aly added.

Aly Kassam displaying the OneLedger Product Stack

OneLedger aims to release its Mainnet by the end of Q4 2019. Our team is putting in a lot of work around the clock to push hard to meet the deadlines and execute all the milestones on the roadmap.

OneLedger Roadmap for 2019

Next, was Alex Lan, the Co-Founder and Blockchain R&D at OneLedger. Alex discussed the architecture behind OneLedger and did a quick demonstration of our smart contracts.

Alex Lan presenting the OneLedger architecture

The smart contracts are based on JavaScript. OneLedger will look to add multiple language support in the future to make it easier for developers to build Dapps in the language of their choice and allow seamless integration within the OneLedger protocol.

“We don't think there will only be one Blockchain that dominates in the future. We definitely think there will be numerous bounded blockchain networks, and OneLedger will connect/exchange the value they provide”, said Alex. He added, “What makes OneLedger so unique is it’s very deeply rooted consensus, and this is going to play an integral role in the future blockchain networks.”

The third and final speaker of our event was Chinmay Patel. Chinmay is the CEO and Founder of BlockX Labs. He mentioned the role of Developers in this new era of technology.

Chinmay Patel (CEO & Founder of BlockX Labs) talking about “Building Developer Tools on Web 3.0”

“When you make the process easier for developers to implement the technology into their solutions, the clients will come. You just need to win the vote of one Senior Developer from the client’s team”, said Chinmay.

With this, our event came to an end. The OneLedger team would like to thank everyone who was present at the event, as well the community who has constantly supported us throughout our journey. We hope to see you all at the next event.

“We may be a small team, but we have big dreams.”

Highlights from the event:

As always, we appreciate all the feedback and support from the OneLedger community.

If you would like to hear more about OneLedger, feel free to follow us on the following channels:



Sahir Parmar

Community Director at OneLedger. Passionate about the blockchain industry and on a mission to bring this technology towards mass adoption.