OneLedger statement regarding Crypto Briefing’s Code Review

Published in
3 min readMar 4, 2019

Hello Community,

We would like to thank Andre and the Crypto Briefing team for their honest and unbiased review. It is very important for OneLedger and the Blockchain industry to have third parties review their code and we appreciate the time and effort you have given our project.

However, such unbiased reviews sometimes miss the active work projects are doing, which OneLedger feels may have happened in this case. Since our initial MVP, we have reprioritized our roadmap to focus on fundamental blockchain functionality, ensuring that our transaction management, account management, validator creation and Smart Contracts are in place prior to working on our cross-chain use cases. This has also allowed us to spend more time to work on two of our core pieces of functionality, the Chain Driver Engine and the Side Chains. The Chain Driver Engine and Side Chains together will extend our Atomic Swap capabilities and allow for easy adoption of new Blockchains into the OneLedger ecosystem, making our goal for supporting 10 Blockchains, by the end of 2019, a reality. To be clear, our current implementation for the Atomic Swap is still based on our MVP code, because we plan to extend it in 2019.

For the 6 months between our MVP release and the launch of our testnet, we primarily focused on core blockchain functions and our JavaScript Smart Contracts. It would have been trivial to support an Ethermint implementation with Solidity as our Smart Contract language. However, to ensure that we are true to our community, we embarked on the path less travelled, by implementing our own protocol and working considerably on our OneLedger Virtual Machine (OLVM). OLVM supports JavaScript as it’s Smart Contract language, to appeal to a larger developer community for building Dapps. One of the most exciting features on the OLVM is the ability to support off-chain JavaScript Libraries. This will decrease the size of the OneLedger Smart Contracts substantially. For OneLedger Smart Contracts, developers will not have to copy all the code from other libraries into their Smart Contracts, inflating the size and requiring more gas, which is still a requirement for Ethereum but rather can just reference libraries available to our validators. The code for the OLVM can be found here.

For our Testnet, we also built an interim staking capability for launching Validator Nodes based on a Validator Token, keeping in mind that we will be building the full staking functionality in the second half of 2019. Based on our experience with other blockchain Testnet releases, we also built in the capability to stake and un-stake, that way our testnet doesn’t crash when validators go offline. Along with the validator feature we built in fees for executing transactions and deploying Smart Contracts, which validators can collect.

One of the other projects we started during this six month period is our OneExplorer. The OneExplorer required supporting infrastructure to retrieve data from the blockchain. We built an Application Blockchain Interface (ABI) and Remote Procedure Call (RPC), that work together to feed data to the OneExplorer. We released our OneExplorer Beta in the first week of February. Our repo for the OneExplorer is still private as we are in Beta and are still optimizing some features, but you can view it at

Although we agree with several parts of Crypto Briefing’s article, such as keeping our GitHub Repo up-to-date, and that our current Atomic Swap functionality is still based on our MVP code, this doesn’t negate all the work the OneLedger team has completed over the six month period after our MVP launch.

Feel free to reach out to us on our official Telegram channel


Alex Lan
Co-Founder & Blockchain R&D

As always, we appreciate all the feedback and support from the OneLedger community.

If you would like to hear more about OneLedger, feel free to follow us on the following channels:




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