OneLedger v0.8.4 Update

Sahir Parmar
Published in
2 min readFeb 25, 2019

In our last sprint, the team focused on OneExplorer bug fixes and enhancing the data stream for the OneExplorer. We also worked on the One-Click Deployment, Chain Driver Engine and streamlining the Smart Contract Deployment.

The list of changes includes:



  • OneExplorer to use web-sockets
  • Update Payment Transaction Screen
  • Started work on a DB to house accounts and transactions

OneExplorer Bug Fixes

  1. Spinner Icon image doesn’t show when explorer is loading a lot of data
  2. KPIs show boxes, when home page loads slowly
  3. Remove Swap Data from front-end
  4. Fix front-end for Account Screen transactions to show all information in the payload

OneExplorer Known Bugs

  1. Drop down on the Search bar sticks and you must select an option for it to disappear
  2. OneExplorer isn’t optimized for mobile devices



  • Created a new identifier for Smart Contracts, to mitigate dependency on Tendermint
  • Completed Integration for Smart Contracts, with a new hash identifier
  • Chain Driver Engine: Decoupled accounts from the protocol layer and managed them in an Accounts DB, this includes ETH and BTC Accounts for the Full Node owner
  • Chain Driver Engine: Enabled Signing mechanism in Chain Driver Engine for ETH and BTC
  • Chain Driver Engine: Funding for BTC Account

In the next sprint, we will complete the work for managing the Explorer Data in the new DB to help facilitate faster queries. The Chain Driver will have the ability to create Smart Contracts on ETH and BTC, we are starting work on the micro-services layer for the OneWallet, working on drawing up the complete architecture for the Side Chains and Channels, and completing One-Click Deployment to be tested in our Devnet.

As always, we appreciate all the feedback and support from the OneLedger community.

If you would like to hear more about OneLedger, feel free to follow us on the following channels:



Sahir Parmar

Community Director at OneLedger. Passionate about the blockchain industry and on a mission to bring this technology towards mass adoption.