Why You Won’t Start Tomorrow:

Mitch Robinson
Published in
1 min readAug 10, 2016
The first step to getting in shape is putting on your shoes.

You aren’t going to start tomorrow.

Diets that start on Monday are apart of an oscillation, a back-and-forth of gaining and losing 10 pounds throughout your life. Diets that start on Monday lead to a disgusting weight plateau that slowly rises as your metabolism breaks down with your age.

Waiting for your perfect situation to emerge so you can finally start your business or side project is an elaborate charade to express a fear of failure.

Having to confront the person you’re dating to say “I don’t think things are working” brings a flooding sense of panic over you. If you don’t tackle it head on, you’ll only be treading until you drown.

Life doesn’t fu&*ing start tomorrow.

I read somewhere once that for every day you don’t do something, the chance of you never doing it doubles.

Success won’t come on day one, success only comes after a day one (probably long, long after).

Life doesn’t start tomorrow, and if you’re going to wait until tomorrow to get what you want out of life, you’re never going to do it.

If you let it pass you by, you’re going to miss your stop.

What do you want?



Mitch Robinson

A healthy mix of nerd, coffee, and ambition. Founder of @usenametag. @penn_state forever. I love taco bell.