Are “Success Gurus” Scammers?

Andrei Polgar
Published in
1 min readMay 19, 2019
… it’s not hard to understand why most of them are :(

I’ll go right ahead and start this post with a “pitch” by inviting you to check out the following video about the economics of the self-help industry that has been published earlier today over at the One Minute Economics YouTube channel.

While it would be unfair to state that all self-help gurus have questionable motives, it’s pretty much impossible to analyze the economics behind the self-help space and not understand that there are tons of incentives for “gurus” who are anything but successful themselves to become successful by teaching others about success :)

The result?

A typical “blind leading the blind” situation, an industry governed by people who (if at all) have only become successful by selling books, courses, seminars and what not about… you’ve guessed it, success!

The video I’ve mentioned simply shares some facts, feel free to make whichever decision(s) you deem appropriate but PLEASE, do yourself a favor and at least take a look at the numbers.



Andrei Polgar

I teach people economics via books like The Age of Anomaly (Wall Street Journal & USA Today bestseller) and YouTube animations (