#BoycottRussia: Why and How to Boycott Russia (One Minute Explanation)

Andrei Polgar
Published in
2 min readMar 7, 2022

Boycotting Russia economically is imperative! As some of you already know, I am a politically and even ideologically agnostic economist. Thus, over the 7 years since I have run the One Minute Economics YouTube channel, I have never picked a side. Not once. Instead, I’ve done my best to provide unbiased economics lessons so as to help people think for themselves rather than encourage them to embrace my conclusion.

Sadly, I have been forced to make an exception.

And this exception is represented by the video I’ve published one week ago, one through which I explain how to boycott Russia economically in one minute. As well as why it must be done.

Simply put, there is no other way in my opinion.

Will boycotting Russia economically inflict damage on the average Russian citizen?


But for reasons outlined in the video I have mentioned and many others, this short to mid-term pain is necessary for the long-term survival of democracy itself broadly speaking as well as the long-term prosperity of even precisely the average Russian citizen.

The Putin regime must go.

And not only that, it is critical that when this happens, he isn’t just replaced by a slightly less aggressive autocrat who makes short-term concessions so that sanctions are lifted. Not enough, not by a long shot. The only potential silver lining in this gruesome affair is represented precisely that Russia must receive one fair (but final) shot at embracing true democracy. And actually becoming what it longed for throughout its complex history: a true member of the West.

This can be achieved.

But not painlessly.

As in many other situations, economics has the answer. It might not be a hassle-free answer but it represents a solution nonetheless: systematically boycotting Russia’s economy in a manner conducive to making even the most brainwashed citizen realize that an autocrat like Putin puts you on a path toward mid to long-term poverty.

Putin most likely expected a Crimea-like scenario, where a quick annexation of perhaps Eastern Ukraine brings him yet another local popularity boost. It worked in Crimea politically but economically, it was a disaster, with Russia’s economy barely being at pre-Global-Financial-Crisis levels due to post-Crimea sanctions.

Perhaps this economic underperformance was not enough to convince the average citizen.

A large-scale and sustained economic boycott will.

But for that to happen, action must be taken.

With my video explaining exactly what can be done.



Andrei Polgar

I teach people economics via books like The Age of Anomaly (Wall Street Journal & USA Today bestseller) and YouTube animations (YouTube.com/OneMinuteEconomics)