The Economics and ACTUAL Costs of Corruption… in One Minute

Andrei Polgar
Published in
2 min readJun 19, 2019
… a meme is worth 1,000,000 words, someone said?

While I’m pretty sure nobody actually said a meme is worth 1,000,000 words, I believe it’s true when it comes to the topic of corruption. The following one minute corruption-related video makes it clear what the ACTUAL costs of corruption are in just one minute: let’s just say it ain’t cheap!

Yet, while nobody likes or encourages corruption, few people become so genuinely outraged after witnessing a corruption scandal that they actually do something about it… long-term!

We just get angry for a few minutes, then switch to a Kardashian show or something and move on. The end result, when it comes to palpable measures taken? A big fat zero.

I’m sure some of those reading this will watch the video and find it awesome… yet how many will take not a minute but a few seconds of their time to share it on Facebook and say “I think people should watch this video” or even post a short tweet about it? Most likely either zero or a handful at most.

This is because our relationship with corruption is genuinely fascinating from not so much an economics-related but rather psychological perspective. We know its wrong, we kinda-sorta understand that it affects us but we don’t really “get” it. We don’t internalize just how bad it is for us, for our future and the lives of those we love. Until that changes, corruption in its many forms is here to stay :(



Andrei Polgar

I teach people economics via books like The Age of Anomaly (Wall Street Journal & USA Today bestseller) and YouTube animations (