To Give or Not to Give

Andrei Polgar
Published in
1 min readApr 25, 2019
… that is the question

… and the answer is a resounding YES, followed by a just a resounding BUT!

In other words: YES, giving to charities is downright awesome and we should be doing more of that BUT we need to be smart about it.

Last week, the economics behind charities have been explained in one minute at the One Minute Economics (who would have guessed, heh) YouTube channel and I’d highly recommend watching the video in question before deciding whether or not the charity that’s currently on your mind is worth it.

Of course, this shouldn’t be turned into a “paralysis by analysis” situation where you end up being so overwhelmed by the research process that you ultimately choose not to give at all. On the contrary, the video is all about making it clear that picking the right charity should in no way involve rocket science… a bit of common sense is all you need ;)



Andrei Polgar

I teach people economics via books like The Age of Anomaly (Wall Street Journal & USA Today bestseller) and YouTube animations (