OneOcean Coronavirus Statement

Aymen Daoudi
2 min readJul 15, 2020

Coronavirus is posing a lot of challenges to the maritime industry, from safety to accessibility of goods.

As a supplier to the industry, we want to assure our customers that we are taking measures to reduce the impact on the provision and delivery of services.

As an organisation we have had in place a disaster recovery plan for an extensive period of time. The plan is being reviewed and updated regularly taking into account the latest advice from the World Health Organisation and Local Governments for each of our offices.

Please be assured that we are paying extremely close attention to this situation on a continuous basis. Should guidelines change then we will review and respond appropriately with updated measures and precautions as a priority.

In light of recent circumstances and the potential impact to ways of working, we have put in place a number of measures to support our staff and customers.

These include:

  • Travel restrictions for staff:
    • Critical OneOcean staff will continue to work from the core OneOcean offices
    • The rest of OneOcean staff will work from home and undertake their duties remotely
  • No visitors to OneOcean sites
  • 24/7 customer service and technical support teams will continue to operate ‘as normal’

Physical and Paper Products

OneOcean has 3 warehouse locations across the world in London, Montreal and Singapore. Each location stocks a supply of physical and paper products including publications and the ability to print on demand.

At present the warehouses continue to be operational, however we cannot guarantee how long we can sustain this, given changing Governmental regulations, flight reductions and border closures. Recent disruptions to some operations, such as the IMO, mean that availability of stock will also become limited.

OneOcean will continue to serve our customers to the best of our ability. We will work with those remaining customers who haven’t yet moved to a fully digital solution to reduce the risk of our 3 warehouses being out of operation simultaneously.

To assist the industry, OneOcean has set up a Coronavirus page which collates and provides the latest guidance, legislation and incidences in the maritime industry in one place. The page can be accessed here: OneOcean operates on a partnership basis with all our customers.

Should there be any specific concerns please get in touch with your key contact to discuss these.

Stay Safe.

