Create a section

OnePage Tutorial

OnePage Tutorial
3 min readMay 25, 2014


OnePage is a Joomla extension created for building responsive landing page.It helps users reduce coding repeatedly and simplify all the flow. For more information, please visit our site.

You must create a section before adding content in OnePage.

What is Section?

You can consider it as the full width container!

Usually, there are 4 examples people will create.

  1. Text with background colour.
  2. Text with background image.
  3. Component with background colour.
  4. Component with background image.

Let’s create a section with 1 & 2.

In Panel Step1

Go to Step2

For the Content Position, you can view the demo tutorial to know details

Click Button — Close, and create element(Html + Image).

Add Text You Like In The Text Editor.

Preview In The Front End.

Now, let’s add the background image.

Save it and preview!

Other Parameters

Desktop Height Options — Set the row height in Desktop & Tablet view.

Mobile Height Options — Set the row height in Mobile view.

Full Width — Select Yes when use full screen width Carousel.

Minimum Height — Fixed height initially.


Fixed-Background — You can visit demo here.

Attention: When you use this template for section, you must have a big background image and set the Minimum Height.

That’s all! If you have any idea about improving our product or document, drop us a line in our website.

Thanks for your reading.


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