Importance of Discipline

Develop Self Control

Checkout our YouTube video on this at —

Importance Of Discipline — Develop Self Control

How important is Discipline in life ?

Discipline is like a safety net we humans can put around our daily ever changing emotions, to ensure that we will execute actions we need to take, for success, no matter what we feel in that moment.

Its like still hitting that workout, when you emotionally don’t feel like doing it. You know its good for you, but you just don’t want to do it.

That’s where Discipline comes in!

Discipline is choosing between what you want now, and what you want most — Abraham Lincoln
Discipline is choosing between what you want now, and what you want most — Abraham Lincoln

How to implement Discipline in life ?

Start by doing things you are slightly uncomfortable with.

Things like taking cold showers.

Or, things like waking up early — at least earlier than your normal wake up time.

This will build your mental capacity to push your comfort zone.

And, when you push your comfort zone — you develop willpower.

Success very often lies right outside your comfort zone
Success very often lies right outside your comfort zone

By pushing your comfort zone — you strengthen your resolve to go for things you want. Not governed by your emotions, but because of your sound logic.

Because your mind knows its the right thing to do.

Some Tricks I Have Used To Develop Discipline

Many times I don’t want to go hit the gym.

Or, I don’t feel like working on [editing our] YouTube videos — “One Percent Rule”

But, there are tricks I have successfully used in the past to get around these mental obstacles when my mind puts them, in between me and my goal.

Popular Trick — Divide bigger task into smaller ones

Like Henry Ford said —

“Nothing is particularly hard if you divide it into small jobs”
— Henry Ford

“Nothing is particularly hard if you divide it into small jobs” — Henry Ford
“Nothing is particularly hard if you divide it into small jobs” — Henry Ford

So, break that big [enormous looking] task into small baby steps.

For example, many times when I don’t want to work out — I tell myself that I’ll just enter the gym, run for 5 minutes. And, then I will allow myself to come back if I still do NOT feel like working out.

More often than not — by the time I finish running for 5 minutes, since my body has been in motion, and my blood flow is circulating better now due to active movements — my physiology changes.

This in turn changes my mindset and makes it active. And, before I know it — I don’t want to skip the gym anymore. I want to workout now. On my own.

So, this is how baby stepping can help you finish a task that you earlier thought you should skip, because you just don’t feel like doing it.

Baby stepping makes obstacles small.

Another Trick — Control Thoughts You Allow In Your Mind

You have to make sure you control your mind, and not the opposite.

You have to make sure your mind is focused towards the end goal. Towards the success you want, and deserve.

And, that you are prepared to put in the hard work for it.

Remember, self discipline start with your mind.

Your thoughts.

How you control your mind.

How you direct it.

How you allow it to operate.

Self discipline begins with your mastery of your thoughts. If you don’t control what you think, you can’t control what you do
Self discipline begins with your mastery of your thoughts. If you don’t control what you think, you can’t control what you do

So, always make sure you are using discipline to put in the effort needed, towards your success.

Get these useful resources (affiliate) at —

📚 No Excuses!: The Power of Self-Discipline — Brian Tracy 👉🏻

📚 Discipline Equals Freedom: Field Manual — Jocko Willink 👉🏻

Hope this helps.


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