OnePlanet Coordinates Metadata Update for Migrated Projects

5 min readNov 22, 2022


META. This word is certainly in vogue now, especially following the Facebook name rebrand and with the growing global fascination with the metaverse. In the NFT arena, the META word that is vitally important is metadata.

Put in layman’s terms, metadata is a set of data used to describe other data. The metadata of your NFT can describe its essential properties, such as its name, total supply, transaction history, and background properties/traits. One of the challenges for former Terra projects that migrated to Polygon on OnePlanet involved updating the metadata of their collections. Another important milestone for these collections took place a few days ago, as OnePlanet initiated a significant metadata update, with multiple projects taking part in the update. Some conducted an additional mint, and others issued a new collection through an Airdrop.

Another Step Completed

This was yet another step in the migration process, as OnePlanet has worked tirelessly to ensure that all community members from the Terra projects had an opportunity to successfully migrate their NFTs to Polygon. Cut-off dates for migration were issued, multiple extensions were given, and NFTs holders were offered the incentive of two MATIC to complete the migration.

Coleman, Baby Bulls Project Lead, commented on the success of his project’s migration to a new blockchain. “The migration of Baby Bulls saw more than 50% of all Baby Bulls migrated over from Terra to Polygon, which we were pleased with when benchmarked against other projects in the space. Considering Baby Bulls started life as an airdrop/charity mint, the support for our vision of establishing them as a stand-alone NFT project has been awesome.”

Sam, founder of Stoned Island, also spoke about the migration to a new blockchain. “The migration process has been swift and easy for all participants in the community, and a breeze for Stoned Island. We love to see our little green knots coming to life again on Polygon.”

This metadata upgrade, allowing projects to change the properties or traits that did not fit into their new Polygon home, was necessary because some of these traits were based on Terra projects no longer in existence. A number of projects took part in the update, including Baby Bulls, GraviDAO (GraviCats), Lunar 6 (Lunar 6 Dragons), Stoned Island (Stoned Island 1/1), and the Invisiverse (The Invisible People). Coleman expressed his appreciation for the efforts of the OnePlanet team. “The publicity and support of OnePlanet up until this point has been well-received and essential to our development. I believe the updated traits and how those updates play into the future lore and utility of the Baby Bulls will be a nice surprise for holders.”

Other projects used this opportunity to make significant moves. Stoned Island (Stoned Island 1/1) and MutanZ (MutantZ Gen1, Mad Scientist Lab) had an additional mint, so that NFTs that were not migrated from Terra would not be lost. DystopAI issued a new collection mint via an AirDrop, unveiling unique Animated Defenders. Davo, co-founder of DystopAI, spoke about this impressive new release from their collection that has their community very excited. “We wanted to use Animated Defenders with different moves to create custom Defenders to highlight how interoperable our Defenders are, how they’re full 3D models, and how we can do so much with them. We were so keen to highlight the technical aspects of the project and make it fun for our holders.”

TheCrunks also got in on the action, releasing a new collection called Crunk’d Out Cars using a burn mechanism in which two Crunk NFTs would get you one Crunk’d Out Car. The Twitter account of the project spoke of the success of their new collection. “In 14 hours since going live, over 1200 pleb-Crunks have been purged with a total of 649 Crunk’d Out Cars burned into existence.” Pawel (@Pawel_Gch), one of TheCrunks community members, was thrilled with his purple colored Crunk’d Out Car. “Finally my Crunk has something to ride! Many thanks to all @crunks_nft. Great project with a great community! I’m waiting for the comic!”

Exciting Events Planned by OnePlanet

To shine a spotlight on these collections, OnePlanet is sponsoring two events. The first is a Trade and Win an NFT Event. All those who buy an Animated Defender from DystopAI, a Crunk’d Out Car from TheCrunks, and a Baby Bulls NFT will be entered into a raffle (one entry per NFT minted) to win an NFT. Prizes include a custom OnePlanet F1 Car and a Baby Bull. The event begins on November 21 and continues through November 25, 11:59 PM, UTC.

The second event, #DisplayYourOnePlanetNFT, will run simultaneously with the first. NFT holders will have a chance to show off their upgraded pride and joys. To enter, participants post a tweet with their NFT image and the hashtag (#DisplayYourOnePlanetNFT). Participants then submit their tweet by connecting their Twitter account on the gleam contest form. Contestants can ask people to vote for their NFT on the #DisplayYourOnePlanetNFT gallery, where the NFTs will be automatically showcased.

The Fun Continues

Projects plan to capitalize on the momentum generated by the update and special events. Coleman commented on upcoming events for his project. “We have planned periodic marketing drops promoting the remint as well as collaborations with existing projects on Polygon. We plan to grant WL to some already established projects on Polygon as opposed to giving all spots to our own community. We want to welcome in some non-Terra folks to the world of Baby Bulls. In keeping with our ethos and tradition as a team in the NFT space, we are looking forward to bringing some ‘first on Polygon’ features to our project.”

DystopAI, according to Davo, has also planned numerous events to benefit their community. “We’re going to be releasing some big items in the coming weeks, and I’ll keep that a surprise. We’re going to do a Town Hall next week, and we’re also doing a competition using the Animated Defenders. We have a lot of different events planned, all leading up to our roadmap release in the next couple of weeks. We’ve been working with our community to create something really special. The next month is going to be huge for DystopAI.”

Expressing Thanks

Participating projects praised OnePlanet for their latest initiatives to support collections. Coleman echoed the sentiments of so many using the OnePlanet platform. “We are always happy to be taking part in any social activities involving NFTs on Polygon. It’s challenging to maintain engagement and community connections when you are building in the background, especially when this period of building is lengthy, so I value any opportunity such as this.”

DystopAI’s Davo expressed his excitement about OnePlanet’s efforts to continue to build during the bull market. “I really love the way they’ve corralled communities by creating unique engagements by doing things like the Metadata update that have allowed us to do things like reward our holders through a unique airdrop snapshot with Animated Defenders. Creating a new collection to reinvigorate our holders and our project after the migration has been a huge boost.”

“We are super excited,” said Stoned Island’s Sam, “for OnePlanet’s future!”


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