OnePlanet Community Update: November

Published in
2 min readDec 19, 2023

Hello OP fam! Can you believe how quick November went? To recap, in November we minted out 2 collections, hosted a number of events, the arrival of Bob, and hints at something exciting coming soon!

Community update — November 2023

Sold out!

Metahorse Unity

SOLD OUT — Metahorse Unity

Metahorse Unity is a decentralized ecosystem and horse metaverse that blends free-to-play & P2E models. Players can be entirely involved in the training and breeding of their Metahorses, allowing them to prepare them for in-game racing competitions & tournaments.

The play-to-earn Horse Racing RPG game by the Hungri Games successfully minted out 3,000 Metahorse Unity NFTs at 60 MATIC! A massive milestone for the team, with exciting announcements coming soon for the community. You can now head over to their Discord to claim your roles!

Carrieverse Land

SOLD OUT — Industrial, Commercial, Residential Lands

Carrieverse is a digital realm where players can engage in various social and economic activities using their unique avatars, embodying a virtual reality world.

Having previously sold out their past two land sales, the Carrieverse team has done it again by completing the total sale of 1,000 lands. Depending on the land type, the prices for NFTs ranged from 95 to 250 MATIC!


Game Pass Events

The Game Pass continued to provide holders with benefits in November:

  • Automatic whitelist for the Carrieverse mint
  • Automatic entry into draw to win 1 of 3 Land NFTs (Industrial, Commercial, Residential)

Mint Events

  • Everyone who minted a Carrieverse land was automatically entered into a draw to win 1 of 3 Commercial lands! These were at a mint price of 250 MATIC

What is that Planet?

On November 24th, planets landed on the OnePlanet X account and made an appearance. These planets were a hint at something new coming to the OnePlanet ecosystem…Planet Popper. Check out our last article to find out more about the new daily engagement rewards program!

▸ Collect, Pop, and Earn! Start earning MATIC today:

Planet Popper!

Please welcome…Bob!

With the help of the OnePlanet community, name suggestions came flooding in. A vote was held and the name was chosen…Bob. In fact, Bob decided to name all his planet friends Bob!


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